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Kind of confused

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For OMSAS, "Full-Time" vs "Semester" means that if you take two semesters consecutive you are full time right?


In my first year, I took two consecutive semesters(Sept-Dec/ Jan-May) but was not full time( I took 4 courses each term).. do I still put "full time"?


Another question: My school releases the dean's list at the end of each semester, so there are two lists for each year. In the sketch, should I list deans list four times, or just once? (Im applying as a third year)




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to be considered a "full time" student you are required to have more than 3 courses.


i think you might be getting this confused with med schools who require students to have "full course loads" which actually require students to take 5 courses per year (Sept-Apr).


For your situation in OMSAS I would put down full time.

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