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Average age of accepted med students?

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You can get the stats on each med school's website. I believe most are 20-24but there are 19 year olds 28, 33, 40, 45, a wide range. Some change careers in mid age, there are some young lawyers who then went to med school, nurses too. Age is not a factor really, although the majority of applicants are 20-24 or 25, so this is the bulk of med students I believe.


I am 16 jk and hope to get in this cycle, well, I do look young but not that young, and I am young, actually a kid in UG, like most of us are.

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Just kidding. Each school is different, and I'm not sure there are any general rules when it comes to this. All that matters is the quality of the applicant, and maturity is often an important factor. So is life experience.


that's not that far off actually. 24 is nationwide average, I believe.

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I'm 21 and i look pretty young... i hope that doesn't work against me :D ... even if they like you, i would have to think on an unconscious level guys with like nice stubble coming in and whatever seem more doctorly... maybe i should start growing my partial beard out for the next year :P

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i guess my main concern is if im getting too old haha. but by what you guys are saying maybe im not. ill be 22-24 when i apply (if im lucky) but all my friends are applying in 19-21.... ahh. if people can do it in their late twenties i think i should keep pressing on and not give up?

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i guess my main concern is if im getting too old haha. but by what you guys are saying maybe im not. ill be 22-24 when i apply (if im lucky) but all my friends are applying in 19-21.... ahh. if people can do it in their late twenties i think i should keep pressing on and not give up?


Keep in mind that a lot of young people apply, but they don't all get in the first time they apply. I don't know the stats but I'd imagine that a high percentage of people who get in every year are re-applicants. Then there are people (like me) who decided later in life that they wanted to do it. If 24 is the national average and the average in some of the Quebec schools is closer to 20 (because they take people out of cegep), there has to be a significant number of people in their late 20s and older. Age is but a number, and if you feel young and up to it, go for it. Until you feel that you are too old to do it, you're not too old.

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