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YorkU Psychology = "Life Science" or "Social Science" ?!

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Hi guys,


I took a Psychology course at York. I'm not sure if it will fufill my humanities/social sci prereq for UofT.


U of T website says:

"All Psychology courses taken at the University of Toronto are taught as Life Sciences; however, some universities classify Psychology as a Social Science. You must check with the university you attended. The Office of Admissions will accept their evaluation of their own course. "


So does anyone know what York's evaluation is for psychology?



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It's a bit complicated now that all psychology courses are under the faculty of Health. You should email Utoronto and ask


But if you took it before the change, then if you took it under the faculty of Arts, it would be a Social Science (i.e. if you took AS PSYC____)

If you took it under the faculty of Science, it would be a Life Sci (i.e. if you took SC PSYC____)

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my bio undergrad director told me psychology counts for the science credits towards your gpa... so i think its considered a science at york but yea, as shann said, call the med schools and ask them to be sure.


Do reply here if you find something out? i've always been confused about this too

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