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are medical students undergrads or grad students?

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MD is considered an undergraduate degree.


It is different from a BSc or BA in that it is not a "Bachelor" degree but it is also not considered a "doctorate" just because you earn the title "doctor" when you graduate.


This is an important distinction for many grant and scholarship programs.

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Yeah, same deal with Physiotherapy (I'm not 100% sure on law). It counts as an undergrad, but it's a professional degree. It differs from engineering only in that you need a degree to apply, but is the same in the sense that you get to sign/stamp off on important papers :P.

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Well...the actual first 4 years of med school are considered "undergraduate". However, residency counts as post-graduate education leading to a "doctorate". So unless you plan on just completing 4 years of med and going off into research, you really will have earned a doctorate in the end...


I don't think becoming board recognized is the same as a doctorate. If you do the MD-PhD program, that's another story, but it's because of the research and thesis associated with the program.

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What? If you earn a doctorate, you put "PhD" after your name. If you complete a residency, you put "FRCP/SC" or "CFPC" after your name. It's not a degree.


Is this how it works in Canada? In the US, completing a residency is not the same as getting certified. But you must complete a residency in order to be eligible for certification. That's my impression at least.

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