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New Degree and Repeat courses

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I did two years of uni ten years ago and didn't complete the program. Since then, I've been working overseas and I'm planning to go back to school to start on a new degree. I'm considering BScN.


If repeat courses are not allowed, how would I be able to make sure I'm not accidentally repeating a course (if I'll be going to a new school and courses are not listed under the same name/course code)?


It would not be fun if after I've completed my studies only to find out one of the courses I've taken can't be considered and therefore the whole year will not be considered a full load year.


Thanks for reading :)

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They're 10 years old though.


And as far as I can tell, UWO does not consider courses as "Repeat" as long as it doesn't show up on the transcript as such. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should've ever transferred credits. Doing 1st year courses (again) sure would've helped with the GPA war...

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They're 10 years old though.


And as far as I can tell, UWO does not consider courses as "Repeat" as long as it doesn't show up on the transcript as such. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should've ever transferred credits. Doing 1st year courses (again) sure would've helped with the GPA war...


Yeah, you are supposed to do the transfer thing as each university requires you to report all previous schools. Still it seems sometimes people manage to not report it or at least manage to not get those transfer credits - doesn't seem consistent across the board. I find it strange.

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