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Looking for some med experience while being a First Responder


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I want to get into med school. I would like to get some medical experience. I have the 'first responder' and the 'emergency medical responder' formations.


I would like to follow a doctor for a while and actually do some medical acts like stitching. I know that this can be done in other countries through volunteering. What I need to know is which country? Through which organizations can I do that? Do you know any doctors who has done that through the past?


Any suggestions?

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I wouldn't inflict yourself on a 3rd-world country so you can experiment on people. Just because they are poor doesn't mean they should be subjected to an EMR stitching them up (an Advanced Care Paramedic skill to perform which one must be trained under supervision and licensed). If you want to be more involved in medicine, continue with your EMS training and become a PCP or ACP.

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I understand and approve your point of view.




#1 You don't need 4 years of pre-med to perform certain acts. For example, I can do a traction splint in Ontario but not in Quebec since it's a medical act here :confused: .


#2 I know that what I'm asking has been done last year in the Philippines.

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hey im a medic and first lemme say asking someone to invest $20,000 and 2 years to become and acp after getting his pcp is a little bit much for someone wanting to do stitches.

i had a friend do what u wanna do but i cant remember where, hmm i wanted to say costa rica but that doesnt seem right.

i know in places such bolivia there you can volunteer in burn clinics etc. and they will let you do what they feel like you can/what they are willing to teach you.

ill try to find out where my friend went

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I want to get into med school. I would like to get some medical experience. I have the 'first responder' and the 'emergency medical responder' formations.


I would like to follow a doctor for a while and actually do some medical acts like stitching. I know that this can be done in other countries through volunteering. What I need to know is which country? Through which organizations can I do that? Do you know any doctors who has done that through the past?


Any suggestions?


Dude, to me, this sounds a bit odd, if not creepy.


If you are so desperate to do some stitching, I suggest you go buy some chicken breast meat and then suture it to your hearts content.


Other than that, I don't know why you want to (or think it's appropriate) to travel to another country with less stringent rules so you can "practice medical acts". Creepy medical voyeurism much?

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Dude, to me, this sounds a bit odd, if not creepy.


If you are so desperate to do some stitching, I suggest you go buy some chicken breast meat and then suture it to your hearts content.


Other than that, I don't know why you want to (or think it's appropriate) to travel to another country with less stringent rules so you can "practice medical acts". Creepy medical voyeurism much?


I have to agree--you don't need to practice medicine until you start med school! Volunteer work is supposed to show your interest in your community, social-life, etc....not you skills as a first-aider. Don't worry about traveling to foreign countries so you can try and learn how to stitch people (your school may teach you different techniques anyhow), just volunteer in things that are accessible and that interest you.

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