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Score good enough for US?


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I agree with musicaldna. US don't emphasize writing score as much as we do here...however, your GPA is just a bit low. Are you sure that you'll end up with 3.5 by the end of this year?


Think about this. If you were to do extra booster courses next year (5th year) and re-write your MCAT, do you believe that you'll be able to pull off higher writing sample score, or even maintain at least 36? It may be helpful to narrow down the schools you'll be applying to make this decision.

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In my opinion, your MCAT score will get your application considered in the US...I don't think the P in writing will have a major effect since the US doesn't seem to look at the writing score as much. I wouldn't re-write the MCAT - there's no guarantee that your score will increase and you're subjecting yourself to the painful experience again.


I would use the time, instead of studying for the MCAT, to take more courses to boost your GPA from 3.5, and go from there. But even with a 3.5 and MCAT of 36, it is still possible to get into schools in the US.

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