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Fed-Exed reference

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Hi everyone,


I just found out today that one of my referees has sent in the form and letter by Fed-Ex. I seem to remember that they are supposed to use regular mail. Has anyone had their letter's sent by courier in the past? Should I be concerned? ...or just feel bad for wasting the OMSAS staff's time?

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I gave them a pre-stamped envelope, and mine still used UPS.


I dont see how this would be a negative though...


It's not a problem per-say... I don't believe that OMSAS refuses courier mail... it's more an issue that they prefer regular mail. This is simply because of the logistical nightmare that would be created if every applicant had 3 separate pieces of courier mail delivered... even worse is if a signature is required...


All that being said, I would recommend contacting OMSAS to be certain, and if they say it is a no-no... hope that your referee didn't hand write the letter, and ask them to print and send it again!

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Yah, it is unlikely that they would refuse it. The only case where they refuse documentation would be unrequested additional items... ie. a fourth referee form. I personally debated whether or not to disregard what they said and send it courier in order to better track it on my end, but I decided I would instead follow their wishes and rely on the postal service *shudder*

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