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The lowest grade I ever got (high school, university, etc.) was in second year of undergrad:


62% in organic chemistry II


~2/3 of the class failed; it was full of second year pharmacy students, and apparently they were all ready to throw themselves off the roof of the chemistry building, since failing meant that they couldn't go on into third year of pharmacy or something :( and NO - they didn't curve it even after that!



including singing the periodic table of elements in front of 500 ppl.


Singing the periodic table should be work more than an extra 6%!

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The lowest grade I ever got (high school, university, etc.) was in second year of undergrad:


62% in organic chemistry II


(2/3 of the class failed; it was full of second year pharmacy students, and apparently they were all ready to throw themselves off the roof of the chemistry building, since failing meant that they couldn't go on into third year of pharmacy or something :(


But hey! You're in med school now so didn't hurt you that much!

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The lowest grade I ever got (high school, university, etc.) was in second year of undergrad:


62% in organic chemistry II


~2/3 of the class failed; it was full of second year pharmacy students, and apparently they were all ready to throw themselves off the roof of the chemistry building, since failing meant that they couldn't go on into third year of pharmacy or something :( and NO - they didn't curve it even after that!




Singing the periodic table should be work more than an extra 6%!


Still got into Mac I see, impressive for a pure cGPA school

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Lowest Mark --> Intro to Anthropology (67%) (this is overall my lowest mark ever, literally)


Highest Mark --> It was a 95% in Health Psychology (and it was still only the 2nd highest mark in the course), class average was around a 60, SD was around 12 or so, so I was happy :D

I also got a 95 or 96 in microecon, it was a really interesting course with a great prof (who had been an economist all around the world..really awesome)


Biggest drop is funny. Took Biochem, started off with a high 90, ended with a mid 70! (I should have had my exam remarked, but oh well)

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B-, it was a "GPA booster" course recommended by a friend. That guy isn't my friend anymore.


A, because back when I did school, there were no A+s.


Wow, you stopped being friends with someone because he suggested a course to you that you didn't do well in? :(

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