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USMLE and Mac Curriculum

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If you were accepted at Mac, when would be the ideal time to write the USMLE since summers aren't free?


in terms of the content taught in medical school, and what is covered in the USMLE Step 1, then Step 2, does anyone know what would be the most strategic times?


Why would you want to write USMLE? If you are planning to study in Canada and then look for US residency then you might struggle in the US match (having not done any prior US rotations).


If you want to work State side, then you really should consider a US med school so that you can do rotations there at what they call green book hospitals. With the right rotations and USMLE scores, you'd get a decent residency match... but then there are visa issues if you're Canadian. H1 visas have a renewal limit and is a problem if you plan a long residency and fellowship, i.e. your visa runs out before you're done training. J visas last longer, but force you to leave the USA for 2 years after you are licensed.

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I am at Calgary - also a three year program with no summers. Myself and a few other people are writing the USMLEs and though it is more difficult for sure with no summers we have come up with writing USMLE 1 in between pre-clerkship/clerkship. It will be hell and ruin that christmas but we will have covered all of the content and had a little time to study. Then write the USMLE 2 at the same time as the MCQE 1 for canada as they are similar tests. Hope this helps.

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