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What is the worst mark you've ever had on a midterm exam?


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I just got a 72% on my bio midterm and I'm mad at myself...I thought it was a solid 85 at least!


2010 UPDATE:


Original poster here, just wanted to say that I've trumped last year's midterm failure extravaganza by getting a 44% on a second-year calculus midterm.


Just reaching down and giving the bottom of the barrel a good old scrape now....


Record for this thread is still 15% on a biochem midterm, tied with a 15% on a physics midterm. :)

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I got at 65% on my first genetics midterm and came back to get 80% overall in the course. It was the first time I had ever gotten less than a B on anything, ever, and I literally cried when I got my mark. I have learned to deal with failure in a more mature way since then.

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I got at 65% on my first genetics midterm and came back to get 80% overall in the course. It was the first time I had ever gotten less than a B on anything, ever, and I literally cried when I got my mark. I have learned to deal with failure in a more mature way since then.


With a bottle of whiskey?

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54% first year english final exam.


lol I hadn't read any of the books that year nor gone to class.....



Who would have thought I would have needed a second undergraduate degree to become an applicant with any chance at all lol.


A second undergrad and a whole lot of maturity.

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ah, **** happens. I thought I did pretty well on my first ochem, and it came out with a 77 (B+).


But on another note, I have had 60% on three quizzes (each worth 6% ish I believe, so equivalent to 18% midterm.. I guess?) and came out with a solid A in the end. Don't sweat it, 72 isnt that bad to recover from.


But dear other people! how much was your midterms all worth? some of the improvements are astonishing..!!

I think getting an unsatisfying mark on a midterm doesn't necessarily kill your coursemark, but it does somewhat kill your attitude.. if you let a midterm permanently defeat you emotionally/mentally, then that's when you lose your battle.


that's how i'd like to think anyways, seeing that I have a 25% midterm in about four hours, and I'm not quite sure if I'm quite ready just yet.



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Atta boy! Unlike some of us :D (i.e. Law ;) ).


LOL. The one and only course I ever dropped. I almost stayed in it too! I figured out that I needed 97% on the final to get an 85 (anything lower drops my gpa so whats the point) and I was actually gonna go for it. Then the prof told me the exam was half short-answer. Dropped it like its hot. Good thing too cause according to my friends the final was murder.


But now I feel so liberated knowing that theres no advantage for me to carry a full course load anymore. :D

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