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What is the worst mark you've ever had on a midterm exam?


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Original poster here, just wanted to say that I've trumped last year's midterm failure extravaganza by getting a 44% on a second-year calculus midterm.


Just reaching down and giving the bottom of the barrel a good old scrape now....


Record for this thread is still 15% on a biochem midterm. :)

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Probably low 60's on a physics midterm. Class average (for midterm and final) was 40's. I had a friend in the class who got a C+ in it. He's now in 4th year meds at UWO making his way through the CaRMS process so don't worry about a couple bad marks! Also 72% is highly recoverable. Presumably you still have a major lab component and then the final.

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I'm thinking I'll fall in the 70% range for my organic II midterm, which would qualify as my worst. :( 25% of my final grade. Made a lot of stupid mistakes... that's the worst feeling IMO, when you know the gist of something but could have used just a bit. More. Studying. ...to drive the concept home.


Other than that, I got a 48% on a complex analysis (calculus with imaginary numbers) midterm once, but that doesn't count because the class average was in the low 20's. :)

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C- on my first paper... midterm was prob 62, but the class average was 58... i tended to go into finals with great marks and have them go down a bit so im sure i have a few low finals, i went into physics 2 and chem 2, with A+'s and came out with a B+ and A-, so I must ****ted those exams

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I got a 52 on midterm in analytical chemistry at UBC. Luckily that midterm was only worth 15% and I pulled out an A in the course in the end.


Much more painful was biochemistry. Getting a 62 on a midterm that's worth 50% definitely hurt.


I have loads of midterms in the 70-80 range though. I find if I get a marginally unsatisfactory mark on a midterm I am much more motivated to study for the final and -somewhat paradoxically - I actually tend to do better in those courses.

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Tie b/w 84% in genetics and 84% in intro to algebra (i.e. complex roots, GCD and other algorthms, linear diophantine systems, congruencies, intro to cryptography, etc...) and proofs. Only in my second year, though, and Waterloo is very fair when it comes to tests (class average almost always falls between 60 and 75).I tend to drop a little bit on exams.

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Tie b/w 84% in genetics and 84% in intro to algebra (i.e. complex roots, GCD and other algorthms, linear diophantine systems, congruencies, intro to cryptography, etc...) and proofs. Only in my second year, though, and Waterloo is very fair when it comes to tests (class average almost always falls between 60 and 75).I tend to drop a little bit on exams.


Oh, actually just remembered a 75% in first year chem on my first midterm (ever). Wasn't weighted much, but still.

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60% was my worst. I never thought I would get over it. However, when I got an A+ on my essay in another course, my spirits were boosted to the maximum. Do not give up. There are always bumps along the way. No one said it would be easy. It is not high school anymore.

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+1 hahaha________


Rob and Bob are short for Robert like **** [EDIT: Interesting that "D i c k" was censored. What if there's some poor guy who's actually named that? Well I guess he'd be used to getting some flack for his name...] is short for Richard... what an odd, odd world we live in. :P

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13.33% on a midterm for a course I ended up dropping, so I don't think that counts


Otherwise, 63% in my second year genetics midterm, but I ended up with 83% for a final grade after pulling an all-nighter for the exam. It was all worth it in the end though :D


I promised myself that I would never let that happen again and here I am, 66% on my biochem midterm. Here we go again...

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