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VCU Interview Help


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I have an interview at VCU next week, and, considering I have been rejected, already, from multiple schools, I am pretty excited, but cannot afford to screw it up. Any advice for the interview at VCU, or can advise of American schools interview style or common questions?

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I have an interview at VCU next week, and, considering I have been rejected, already, from multiple schools, I am pretty excited, but cannot afford to screw it up. Any advice for the interview at VCU, or can advise of American schools interview style or common questions?


Have you checked out the SDN interview feedback page? People probably posted general questions which might help you practice if you feel like you need to review some topics.

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I find that the biggest piece of advice that anyone gave me was:


Go over your primary and secondary and see what you want to highlight. Then, when you go in, sort of try to see who it is you're talking to. I had one researcher so I played up my thesis and I had one emerg doctor who actually switched from peds so it worked great when I talked about my passion for peds. American interviews, for the most part, are like a conversation. There are no set lists of questions (I'm talking about most cases) and I honestly asked more questions than my interviewer in the latter situation. It really threw me off because I'm used to the rigidity of Canada. It was really quite relaxing and somewhat fun.


2 more big things:

-Know about the healthcare bill and what your take is on it as a Canadian (btw, we don't have "socialized medicine", only partly socially funded and largely privately run)

-Have a response for "Why America? Why not Canada?", I talked about having more opportunities for different residency specialities and talked about what the specific school offered.

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I find that the biggest piece of advice that anyone gave me was:


Go over your primary and secondary and see what you want to highlight. Then, when you go in, sort of try to see who it is you're talking to. I had one researcher so I played up my thesis and I had one emerg doctor who actually switched from peds so it worked great when I talked about my passion for peds. American interviews, for the most part, are like a conversation. There are no set lists of questions (I'm talking about most cases) and I honestly asked more questions than my interviewer in the latter situation. It really threw me off because I'm used to the rigidity of Canada. It was really quite relaxing and somewhat fun.


2 more big things:

-Know about the healthcare bill and what your take is on it as a Canadian (btw, we don't have "socialized medicine", only partly socially funded and largely privately run)

-Have a response for "Why America? Why not Canada?", I talked about having more opportunities for different residency specialities and talked about what the specific school offered.


Yeah if you want to look smart, please do not say we have socialized medicine. The UK's NHS is socialized medicine. Canada doesn't have "medicare" either. We have 13 provincial/territorial plans all under the auspices of the Canada health act. We have a single payer public insurance plan which doctors and patients can opt out of (so if you go private, you do 100% private billings). The US has more socialized medicine than we do. In fact, they have a socialistic system (VA--where MDs are employees of the state), a Canadian like system (medicare/medicaid, health insurance for the old and poor, respectively) and an employer based capitalistic system. Physicians run PRIVATE businesses here. We run the business to make a profit for our business (that's why MDs incorporate). The single payer is the government, but we also have other payers (WCB, private payments, private insurance companies for things the government does not cover).


That's why when I see people like Jack Layton spew off rhetoric about shutting down all private clinics I shudder. If he were to shut down all private clinics, you will essentially be closing down every single family doctor's office (because outside of academics, I know of few family docs who don't own/operate/belong to a private, not-only-for-profit clinic). Moreover he will be shutting down most hospitals as most hospitals are PRIVATE (not for profit).

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hey guyz,


I just got a status update from VCU stating that:


"The committee's file review indicates that they are interested in your candidacy. However, due to the increase in the applicant pool this year, it is clear we MAY be unable to interview all the candidates at your priority score. If we do find that we are unable to grant an interview you will be notified by e-mail in March."


Ok does this mean I am put on hold or am I still being considered for an interview.

I'm sooo confused right now. I was really looking forward for an interview from VCU.

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hey guyz,


I just got a status update from VCU stating that:


"The committee's file review indicates that they are interested in your candidacy. However, due to the increase in the applicant pool this year, it is clear we MAY be unable to interview all the candidates at your priority score. If we do find that we are unable to grant an interview you will be notified by e-mail in March."


Ok does this mean I am put on hold or am I still being considered for an interview.

I'm sooo confused right now. I was really looking forward for an interview from VCU.


Check out SDN. You are still in the game, but there may or may not be a chance of getting an interview. By SDN's notation, you would be a #2. There are still other #2's waiting. Right now, the first possible chance at an interview would be in Feb or later.

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