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Hey all,


I am not sure this if this is in the right forum or not but I am wondering how people pay for school in the USA. Let's say I get into a program in the States, given then I have no collateral and no co-signers, how in the world could I pay for my tuition, living, and books/equipment costs?

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I thought you can't get OSAP if you go to school in the US...correct me if I'm wrong...


My dad who is a CA did some research and said we are eligible for OSAP as Canadians going to US school...I usually never doubt his word...but he could be wrong:rolleyes:

oo and 2011 hope...sorry for going off track dude, but you have no options..you're doomed...:P









kidding:-) you need to do more research i guess

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This has gotten off topic fast. As I said, i don't have a cosigner. So what are my options (if any)?


Sorry for taking your thread off topic.


One of my best friends just got a loan for $150,000 from RBC or TD last summer, and he did not have a co-signer...however, he did have a good credit rating (so be sure to pay bills lol)... other than a bank loan, I can't see how you would be able to get THAT much money..?? :(

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My dad who is a CA did some research and said we are eligible for OSAP as Canadians going to US school...I usually never doubt his word...but he could be wrong:rolleyes:


That's very interesting... I'll have to look into this... might help ease up the financial situation in future years if I decide to go to the US, thanks!

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Sorry for taking your thread off topic.


One of my best friends just got a loan for $150,000 from RBC or TD last summer, and he did not have a co-signer...however, he did have a good credit rating (so be sure to pay bills lol)... other than a bank loan, I can't see how you would be able to get THAT much money..?? :(


He got that for going to a school in the US? Because they told me they only give that without a cosigner if you are in a Canadian school.

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He got that for going to a school in the US? Because they told me they only give that without a cosigner if you are in a Canadian school.


Yes he did. HOWEVER, I'm not sure about the details of this case because we don't really discuss finances (he may have had amazing credit rating or crazy connections or something)...but it IS possible!!


Just curiosity (don't feel obliged to answer), but why are you considering the situation without a cosigner? Parents, working sibling, extended family member?

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Yes he did. HOWEVER, I'm not sure about the details of this case because we don't really discuss finances (he may have had amazing credit rating or crazy connections or something)...but it IS possible!!


Just curiosity (don't feel obliged to answer), but why are you unable to get a cosigner? Parents, working sibling, extended family member?


My parents refuse, my only sibling doesn't qualify, and I have no extended family. My plan now is to work on getting-in in Canada but being able to go to the US and study already is tempting.

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My parents refuse, my only sibling doesn't qualify, and I have no extended family. My plan now is to work on getting-in in Canada but being able to go to the US and study already is tempting.


Sorry to hear that! Maybe even try a family friend? I know that's really pushing it, but it sounds like your options are getting limited.


Try doing some more research, and talking to banks... you never know what could happen!! Best of luck...I hope it works out.

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Sorry to hear that! Maybe even try a family friend? I know that's really pushing it, but it sounds like your options are getting limited.


Try doing some more research, and talking to banks... you never know what could happen!! Best of luck...I hope it works out.


Don't have any of those either.

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Yes he did. HOWEVER, I'm not sure about the details of this case because we don't really discuss finances (he may have had amazing credit rating or crazy connections or something)...but it IS possible!!


Just curiosity (don't feel obliged to answer), but why are you considering the situation without a cosigner? Parents, working sibling, extended family member?


I'd really like to know how this person got that loan because I'm in the same boat as 2011hope; no cosignor at all. I've literally applied for these med loans at 6 canadian banks and they all say you need a cosignor if you're studying outside of canada. My credit rating is excellent (says the bank), but my cosignor (family) doesn't make enough money to be credit 'worthy' (~$35K). All of my 6 applications were denied.


So to my knowledge, unless you have a worthy cosignor, you're not getting any money from a bank to study in the US. If someone does know how to get one without a cosignor, please enlighten us all because it would be extraordinarily helpful.

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