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Extra Year/ What type of GPA is enough?


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Is it okay to do a special year for US medschools?


I'm currently in 2nd year and my .


I'm predicting that by the end of 3rd year, my.


The reason for doing a special year is that if I don't get in at UWO after completing 3rd year on a conditional acceptance, then I can try again one more time. <--(You'll only understand this if you know western's gpa cutoffs policy)


Anyhow, how would american schools look at a person doing a special year?


2nd portion


I'll probably have a 3.4 cGPA at the end of third year as I said. Is this a realistic GPA to gain acceptance as an international student?


What type of MCAT would I need to back a GPA like that up?


Which schools are 'low-tier'? What kind of GPA/MCAT do they ask from canadian applicants?




P.S. If you read my previous posts, you'll know my whole story.

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Is it okay to do a special year for US medschools?


I'm currently in 2nd year and my cGPA is 3.2.


I'm predicting that by the end of 3rd year, my cGPA might be 3.4 at it's highest.


The reason for doing a special year is that if I don't get in at UWO next year on a conditional acceptance, then I can try again one more time. <--(You'll only understand this if you know western's gpa cutoffs policy)


Anyhow, how would american schools look at a person doing a special year?


2nd portion


I'll probably have a 3.4 cGPA at the end of third year as I said. Is this a realistic GPA to gain acceptance as an international student?


What type of MCAT would I need to back a GPA like that up?


Which schools are 'low-tier'? What kind of GPA/MCAT do they ask from canadian applicants?




P.S. If you read my previous posts, you'll know my whole story.


Hold up for a second. UWO requires a 4 year degree.


Other than that, in the US they treat any coursework as the same, although positive trending is an unsaid good thing. Special years are ok though you probably want to do some hard breadth kind of coursework, not just first year courses, because the GPA boost will probably seem tainted in their eyes. They have special programs in the US for post-degree kids to bump up their grades to help them get into med, so the concept is not unique.


Aim for a 33+ on the MCAT

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Is it okay to do a special year for US medschools?


I'm currently in 2nd year and my cGPA is 3.2.


I'm predicting that by the end of 3rd year, my cGPA might be 3.4 at it's highest.


The reason for doing a special year is that if I don't get in at UWO next year on a conditional acceptance, then I can try again one more time. <--(You'll only understand this if you know western's gpa cutoffs policy)


Anyhow, how would american schools look at a person doing a special year?


2nd portion


I'll probably have a 3.4 cGPA at the end of third year as I said. Is this a realistic GPA to gain acceptance as an international student?


What type of MCAT would I need to back a GPA like that up?


Which schools are 'low-tier'? What kind of GPA/MCAT do they ask from canadian applicants?




P.S. If you read my previous posts, you'll know my whole story.


1) They probably have no idea what the hell is a special year (like me). Extra years dont matter to schools, just what you do with those years.


2) 3.4 is not a realistic GPA at all. Not even that realistic if you are American. (Why dont you redo the courses you did badly in? I knw UWO does replacements, call AMCAS and check up on whether they will accept replacements)


3) 45


4) Safely consider all schools that did not make the rankings to be "lower" tier: http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-medical-schools/research-rankings


32 3.7 I'd say.

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I don't know anything about special years for the US schools but to be quite honest, your GPA is just not going to cut it. Are you on track to get a 3.8 this semester? I've took a quick look at your other posts and the lack of extra curriculars and research experience is not going to help. You will already be at a disadvantage as an international student and those schools who are canadian friendly are still looking for the best students. Also, why bother going to a very lowly ranked US school when you might be able to get into a decent Caribbean school like SGU? Those are the schools that care less about your MCAT and GPA but again, you have to be involved and show them that you have the motivation and desire to be a physician.


If you're drowning in Bio as your major, switch out. It doesn't even matter what do you for your undergrad, just do it well. You can work towards getting better at bio when you study for your MCAT. In short, study something you're good at, get involved, and get a monstrous MCAT.

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1) They probably have no idea what the hell is a special year (like me). Extra years dont matter to schools, just what you do with those years.


2) 3.4 is not a realistic GPA at all. Not even that realistic if you are American. (Why dont you redo the courses you did badly in? I knw UWO does replacements, call AMCAS and check up on whether they will accept replacements)


3) 45


4) Safely consider all schools that did not make the rankings to be "lower" tier: http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-medical-schools/research-rankings


32 3.7 I'd say.


Hey bannie,


Thanks for the reply.


I also thought 3.4 is an unrealistic GPA to get in. But Keith_015 (the poster above you) has a 3.31 cGPA and he got accepted this year! His MCAT is also below 33 I think. This is why I felt like rechecking whether a 3.4 is realistic.


But maybe keith_015 is a genuinely rare case.


Thanks for the heads up!

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Also, why bother going to a very lowly ranked US school when you might be able to get into a decent Caribbean school like SGU? .


I'd rather go to the lowest ranked US school than the Caribs/Ireland/Australia. Heck, if I couldn't get into an NA school, I wouldn't be a doctor at all. It is way too risky for me and I was not that desperate to be a doctor to risk 300K in loans and not being able to get a residency afterwards.

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Hey bannie,


Thanks for the reply.


I also thought 3.4 is an unrealistic GPA to get in. But Keith_015 (the poster above you) has a 3.31 cGPA and he got accepted this year! His MCAT is also below 33 I think. This is why I felt like rechecking whether a 3.4 is realistic.


But maybe keith_015 is a genuinely rare case.


Thanks for the heads up!


i did not know that. keith is a special kid i guess :)

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I'd rather go to the lowest ranked US school than the Caribs/Ireland/Australia. Heck, if I couldn't get into an NA school, I wouldn't be a doctor at all. It is way too risky for me and I was not that desperate to be a doctor to risk 300K in loans and not being able to get a residency afterwards.


Really? Hmmm, well I can't say I know a whole lot about Caribs schools, but I do know someone who turned down a couple US schools for SGU... everyone to their own I suppose.

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Really? Hmmm, well I can't say I know a whole lot about Caribs schools, but I do know someone who turned down a couple US schools for SGU... everyone to their own I suppose.


I'm pretty surprised your friend did this. For future reference, the Caribbean should be a LAST resort no matter how low the ranking of a US school (once you go past the 60th rank all US med schools are unranked anyways). Especially with the increase in the number of medical schools opening in the US, as well as the increasing matriculating class sizes, there will be fewer residency spots available to those graduating from international schools.


This is straight from the NRMP website: "Each year approximately 16,000 U.S. allopathic medical school seniors and 15,000 graduates of osteopathic, Canadian or foreign medical schools compete for approximately 24,000 residency positions." Obviously those totals aren't entirely accurate (DOs matching into DO programs, etc).

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I did a 5th year at UWO. I got like a 3.8 GPA for that year. Overall it was 3.65.


I was accepted to Wayne State.


Wow, this is awesome to hear. I'm not at UWO, but I'm thinking I might do a fifth year for their medschool.


But USA is an equal other option for me. I would be just as happy with a Wayne State acceptance as to a UWO acceptance.

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