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M.Sc. graduate, aspiring clinician-scientist: in need of insight, advice, suggestions

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So my MCAT is a 30S (11PS,8VR,11BS). I am considering re-writing it, but the idea of having to study all the highschool physics makes me cringe. I have heard mixed opinions about re-taking the MCAT from different MDs. Some say its not worth it because it really isn't valued much in the overall process. However, I am going to talk to people at the UC admin and get a better idea about this. As for ECs, I have a bunch of volunteering, parttime work, tons of research conferences, public presentations, etc. I only have one second author publication from my MSc despite generating a huge amount of data. I will confirm what Dreamcatcher said about publishing really depending on the PI. My PI was a lot older and did not have a very productive lab in terms of publishing. Also throw in their recent health problems and now I haven't seen any feedback from a paper I sent to be looked at in July :(

Anyways I am currently working on data that should be published soon and am in a very productive lab in that respect. I am also pushing on getting my own paper out by having other researchers in the field review it.

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