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Post-bac vs. Master's degree

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I guess the journey to medicine is quite long for some ...

I have been working for a couple of years now and need your opinions on my next choice/route.


My current AMSAS gpa is about 3.49 ... understandably I have given up all hope to get accepted in Canada, which works perfectly well for my bf who is a US citizen and would rather have me move there. :)


I have been accepted to a course based masters program (Mbiotech UofTM) to use as a backup and to improve on my med school application


MCAT: currently taking Kaplan class so don't know yet (yes, I had to dish out the money for the class to keep me on schedule with the studying which I had been unsuccessful to do by myself)


My other option is to take a 2-year condensed nursing degree to increase my gpa (as well as use as backup), which I know won't be easy as the condensed degree is quite hectic.


My question to you guys is which route would be most beneficial to my application (masters or 2-year nursing UG). Being a course based masters I won't have any publications. I do have previous research experience however.


Qst 2 - If I take a couple of courses during my Masters that do not go towards the program, will these be included in UG gpa?


Thanks in advance everybody for sharing your opinions and experiences.

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Thanks Keith for your opinion.

I am leaning heavily towards this option although it is very PAINFUL to have to say No to a nice program such as the MBiotech.


Having said that, I want to make sure that both years from nursing will count towards my Ugpa as I know there is some concern regarding "full course load" during nursing.

Anyone can shed some light into this?

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Thanks Keith for your opinion.

I am leaning heavily towards this option although it is very PAINFUL to have to say No to a nice program such as the MBiotech.


Having said that, I want to make sure that both years from nursing will count towards my Ugpa as I know there is some concern regarding "full course load" during nursing.

Anyone can shed some light into this?


For all that my opinion counts... I would probably do the master or take an other major at school. Unless you really want to be a nurse and wouldn;t mind being for the rest of your life. If you are just trying to raize your GPA. A master we'll be better because from what i hear your undegraduate GPA cut off is lowered in ontario if you have a master. Meaning that they will not throughout your aplication if you don;t have 3.8+. That is from word of mouth though... you gotta research that a little bit.

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Ukie, its all in what the OP wants to do. Don't forget that some schools will look at upward trend, and not just firm cutoffs for GPA. A 3.5GPA with solid MCAT would certainly get some looks, and the OP is at 3.49 so borderline there. Research will help for research intensive schools, but doing the nursing thing will be looked at universally by all schools.

Nursing is a noble health care profession and if you think that health care is the field for you, go for it! If you really feel like doing the masters, well maybe that is your true career path!

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I would probably either do the nursing thing, or another UG major (or extra post-bac courses). At least for US schools, I don't think the Mbiotech thing will help you out too much since it won't be included in your GPA. Assuming you are interested in being a nurse if things don't work out w/ med school, it is a good option since US schools should count these courses in your cGPA whether you have full-time or part-time credits. I'm not sure which is best for Canadian schools, but for US schools I think it would be good to stick to undergrad courses. Good luck.

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Thank you everyone for your input.


I know/believe the Masters provides people (esp students right out of undergrad) with more responsibility and mature experiences that med schools look for.

Being 25+ and having worked for a couple of years in medium-responsibility jobs (I am not a manager ... yet) I think I already bring to the table that maturity and experience at this point. The Masters is course based so I won't benefit from any published papers/productivity.

Don't know what else a Masters could provide from a med schools viewpoint?


Nursing, is a great profession and backup plan that would give me a chance to help people during their difficult health times. Having said that, I don't think I will ever (at least with my current mindset) sell myself short of becoming a doctor even if it means going to the Carib.


What concerns me about compressed nursing is that everyone says it is quite intense. I NEED to get As in these courses to improve my Ugpa.

Other than that, also there is this idea (and maybe misconception?) on my part about nursing students (and nurses) not being treated well by higher nurses and doctors.


Can someone who did a 2-year compressed nursing degree pitch in with their experiences and what they observed with the students/nurses around them?


This is such a difficult and crucial decision ...:o

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