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Credentials of LOR writer

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One of my professors let me read the LOR that he wrote for me, actually he insisted I read it...although the letter was AMAZING, like better than I could have ever expected, he signed it as "Dr. John Doe, Senior lecturer". I've never seen that Before and don't really know what it means. He is the professor for our class, but now I'm thinking that maybe he doesn't have a phd, but he said "Dr."??


Any help? How should I address it if particular schools ask about it? I have 4 LORs from professors, 2 have tenure, 1 contract-faculty professor, and the professor mentioned above...but this professor is also one of my science LORs and I don't have another professor I can ask. Is this something I could get away with? Btw, the other science LOR writer had tenure...if that would make the situation better.

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Should be no problem. I instructed my writers to specify what they do at the University and/or college. They don't have to be PhD either. As long as they taught you and can speak from personal experience.


Just don't get a TA and you should be fine.


PERFECT! :) Thank you so much you guys for your help.

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