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hello everyone! Like many people here I am a long time lurker and this is my first new thread start. I am currently a health care professional working full time with a dream to be a doctor (sound familiar?). My question here is I decided to take an intro chem and physics course through Athabasca, and now that I am near the end of the courses I am nowhere near complete, and do if I do complete it will be with a very poor mark. I am thinking of withdrawing, and according to Athabasca it will come across as a withdrawal/failure. These were just courses I decided to take because in my first year college I barely passed my chemistry courses (young and silly), and thought this way I could prove that I could do chemistry. Now I feel I have dug myself a big hole! Do I have to send these transcripts to schools? Will this count towards a cumulative GPA? I have asked admissions at various schools but they have yet to get back to me, and I know a few schools only take your GPA for the degree for the first round, but then they look at all grades. This has been a long post, but thank you for reading and I look forward to your opinions.

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Your transcript follows you forever. Do the best you can. Are you able to obtain a deferral to write the exam later? Yes, it you withdraw you are creating a history equivalent to a failure that follows you. Some schools take your last two years, best two, so it is not the end of the world.

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