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LOC and MD Financial

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Bank of Canada boosted interest rates one-quater of a percentage point today.


Med students with LOCs can expect their prime interest rate to increase accordingly to 3% with effect immediately.


I'm really torn. On one hand, the increase in the prime rate means that my awful debt is getting more debt-y just that little bit faster.


But on the other hand, it also means that my RRSPs will probably perk up.


PS - I've just started using MD Financial, and I wholeheartedly recommend them for financial help (they can help with anything - budgeting, investing, retirement - any money questions, just ask). They understand the whole med student / resident / doctor thing so well compared to ordinary banking people.

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The Canadian dollar is on the rise and some see this as a sign for interest rates to rise again sooner than oriiginally anticipated.


Multiple factors go into BoC interest rate policy. Inflation pressure, trade surplus/deflect, etc.


As for the movement of CDN depends on interest rate, strength of foreign currencies (mostly against US), etc.


I don't think CDN strength will cause BoC to raise rate, rather it tends to slow down our economy, create bigger trade deficit, especially our biggest trading partner is US, with their weak economy and our high dollar... I don't see a rapid series of rate hike.


Henry ford centennial library picture

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  • 2 weeks later...
It should be


Every institution I went to guaranteed me prime + 0% until the end of residency + 1 year (TD, Scotia, RBC)


You should check out the LOC thread




I wasn't able to confirm that either from them (in writing, if it isn't in writing then it just isn't confirmed). I got the strong impression that is unlikely that it would not be prime do to market pressures but that wasn't worth the risk to me. I have dealt with enough banks in the past to know that if it is not in the black and white then then anything they say is meaningless

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