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What will you do if you don't get in?

Guest wassabi101

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Guest wassabi101

So I'm thinking what will I do if I don't get in---which brings me to thinking, what does everyone else do when they don't get in (assuming you're going to keep on trying)


Do you think taking a year off before reapplying is seen negatively by the admissions committees?


How about applying half way through a degree?


What do you think they (the admissions committees) expect as the bare minimum to be re-considered?



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Guest EJL



I was in a situation last year where I was interviewed at one school and did not get in. I knew that the possibility might arise that I would not get in. But I always kept a positive attitude towards the whole situation. I realized that when I didn't get into medical school, I was NOT taking a "year off," and it merely became another opportunity for me to experience something new that I'd never done before. I had just finished my Master's degree and knew that I had a particular skill that I could apply in a positive setting. I emailed a few professors in Europe and within two weeks, I had a six month research job in the Netherlands related to my degree. The experience changed my life, gave me personal time to reflect, read, and learn about new things that I'd always wanted to learn about, but never had the time to do. I also got to see some incredible things and meet and work with some amazing people. And, I talked about all of these experiences in my interviews (note, that I had more than one interview this year).


An admissions committee will never frown upon you if you decide to be creative and innovative and do something productive with your year - especially if you can apply it to your long list of personal achievements. If you sit around the television for a year, that's one thing. But, if you acknowledge that your 'opportunity' year is going to be stellar even if may not have met all your goals, then the experience will be a positive one full of exciting events. And if you're determined enough, you'll get into medical school after your 'opportunity' year.


I know that this is a tense time for everyone - me included. Just keep your chin up and know that sometimes, on the way to a dream you get lost and find a new one. In my case, I found many :)


Good luck with your wait. It's a most difficult time when you have no control over your fate. Maybe we'll be classmates in September.



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