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Interview invites!!

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This makes so much sense from a practical standpoint.


I really hope not, I have 3 papers to write this weekend and it will be hard to concentrate.


It has been hard to focus on anything but the impending emails over all of our heads, but I will let go of my negative feelings if I get an interview! In any event I love this forum because friends and family get tired if hearing me talk about after a while and I really don't blame them. Time to go to the gym or something!

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I went to the gym last night- I had 2 training appointments, the first had cancelled right before an the second was a no-show. So I did my own workout, then got some dinner, then worked on microbiology. It actually was pretty good!


My workout was excellent too, I murdered the spin bike with my anxiety. :D

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sry but what's the 10 year rule?


AKA "Exclusion of Early Coursework"


It's the UBC rule where they drop all your marks form greater than 10 yrs ago. There are other stipulations, but that's the gist.


For those of us who have old bad marks (like I flunked out in 1999 with a 41% average from one year) it's a godsend.

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I went to the gym last night- I had 2 training appointments, the first had cancelled right before an the second was a no-show. So I did my own workout, then got some dinner, then worked on microbiology. It actually was pretty good!


My workout was excellent too, I murdered the spin bike with my anxiety. :D


Haha I've been having some great workouts as well lately. Did an interval session on the bike, plus skipping and pull ups interval thank you UBC!

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regrets. have not checked score yet.


NO WAY! I so thought you would get an interview... I hope they keep the 10 year rule so you can apply again next year.


To all those who've heard back so far, UBC's sure missing out on some great potential MDs. Sorry to hear the feedback, good luck with your other applications. Yeesh, UBC's tough with OOP applicants!

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No interview here either :( I have a 3.80/4.33 average in province and I got an 11.00 for academic?? I am a non-trad applicant with my first degree in psychology. Last 60 credits my gpa was a 3.85/4.33 as well. Crazy. Time to do some re-evaluating of career goals I think. They also gave me a 12.6 on NAQ with student governance for 3 years (vice president finance for two years and president for a year at a rural campus in BC). I also have 3 years of peer support volunteering, taught self defense to battered women and children, played guitar for a church music team for 10+ years, I also have a first author publication! What are they looking for??

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No interview here either :( I have a 3.80/4.33 average in province and I got an 11.00 for academic?? I am a non-trad applicant with my first degree in psychology. Last 60 credits my gpa was a 3.85/4.33 as well. Crazy. Time to do some re-evaluating of career goals I think. They also gave me a 12.6 on NAQ with student governance for 3 years (vice president finance for two years and president for a year at a rural campus in BC). I also have 3 years of peer support volunteering, taught self defense to battered women and children, played guitar for a church music team for 10+ years, I also have a first author publication! What are they looking for??


I'm not sure how NAQ is marked or standardized man, it's got to be subjective.


For comparison, I got 13.89 on NAQ and had:


40 hours at volunteer homework club

50 hours as event coordinator for club on campus

30 hours volunteering at long-term care center

10 hours at another homework club

15 hours at Heart and Stroke Foundation

7 hours at campus clinic events volunteer

191 hours at emergency department

140 hours as undergrad research volunteer

150 hours recreational

16 hours CPR/First Aid

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