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Congrats gb35 and chrail!


I'm waitlisted :(


I can't believe they are not giving out positions, that was one of the best things about the admissions was how transparent it was!


Its totally paternalistic to argue that they are protecting us from making bad decisions by not letting us know our position.... grrr....we should be allowed to decide for ourselves!

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Congrats to those who were accepted, I've got my fingers crossed for those on the waitlist, and condolences to those who weren't fortunate enough to be accepted this year. In the three times that I applied to DalMed, I experienced each of those outcomes, so I know where you are all coming from from first hand experience.


With regards to them not releasing waitlist numbers, there is a method to the madness. In all honesty, not knowing your position can make for a less nerve-wracking summer. I was on the NB waitlist in the summer of 2009, and things can get pretty insane. While on the waitlist, I did a bit of detective work, and after a while I realized that, although there were three people ahead of me on paper, they had all accepted seats elsewhere, so if one person were to not go to Dal, I would be the next one to be called. Being the first alternate on the waitlist for 3 months was... trying, to say the least. This way you can put it out of your mind rather than obsess over it for the summer ahead.


Best wishes, and congrats again :). To those who weren't as fortunate, just keep sticking it out. Looking around my tutorial group right now (7 people... and yes, I'm currently in class, haha), there is a person who applied 4 times, one who applied 3 (myself), and three people who got in off the waitlist. Just keep grinding, kids :). If you want to PM me for anything, don't hesitate.

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Congrats to those who were accepted, I've got my fingers crossed for those on the waitlist, and condolences to those who weren't fortunate enough to be accepted this year. In the three times that I applied to DalMed, I experienced each of those outcomes, so I know where you are all coming from from first hand experience.


With regards to them not releasing waitlist numbers, there is a method to the madness. In all honesty, not knowing your position can make for a less nerve-wracking summer. I was on the NB waitlist in the summer of 2009, and things can get pretty insane. While on the waitlist, I did a bit of detective work, and after a while I realized that, although there were three people ahead of me on paper, they had all accepted seats elsewhere, so if one person were to not go to Dal, I would be the next one to be called. Being the first alternate on the waitlist for 3 months was... trying, to say the least. This way you can put it out of your mind rather than obsess over it for the summer ahead.


Best wishes, and congrats again :). To those who weren't as fortunate, just keep sticking it out. Looking around my tutorial group right now (7 people... and yes, I'm currently in class, haha), there is a person who applied 4 times, one who applied 3 (myself), and three people who got in off the waitlist. Just keep grinding, kids :). If you want to PM me for anything, don't hesitate.


Thanks dude, followed your story closely.


I'm just hoping you can use that detective work to find out our spots on the WL :cool: :cool:

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and for any OOPers rejected - I know it sucks, trust me. But us here would really gain some piece of mind knowing that we weren't all waitlisted. So, if you're cool with it, it would be great to let us know your status.




the management team

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and for any OOPers rejected - I know it sucks, trust me. But us here would really gain some piece of mind knowing that we weren't all waitlisted. So, if you're cool with it, it would be great to let us know your status.




the management team




OOP Waitlisted here too... immediately thought the same as many here, I think we were all waitlisted, but that could just be me getting tired of this whole process and being cynical.. :P

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Hi guys,


I was accepted this morning. Its tough to say at this point whether I'm going to accept dal. It's my top choice in Canada but I'm still waiting to hear from some U.S. schools. I'll be sure to let you know when I make the decision.


I doubt everyone was waitlisted, but even if everyone was, your chances of getting in are still relatively good (say 1/3?). I don't think that's the case though. Anyways good luck to everyone on the waitlist!

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