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Well, I spoke to admissions just now...


The woman said that an update could happen at anytime. But, after a little probing she did tell me that April 1st was the deadline to accept or refuse the offer and that next week they will have the information on who paid deposits (they have to get this from student accounts) and from that information they would then contact via email those on the waitlist should a spot come up.


So, it looks like next week is when you might hear some good news.


Ah bureaucracy... slow and steady wins the race.


Your actually awesome. You didn't even interview at Dal and you found this information out for us :cool:

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Well, I spoke to admissions just now...


The woman said that an update could happen at anytime. But, after a little probing she did tell me that April 1st was the deadline to accept or refuse the offer and that next week they will have the information on who paid deposits (they have to get this from student accounts) and from that information they would then contact via email those on the waitlist should a spot come up.


So, it looks like next week is when you might hear some good news.


Ah bureaucracy... slow and steady wins the race.


:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Has anyone else DL'ed their decision letter again, in hopes that it would be different?


Just once, I'm ashamed.


But very happy to hear that next week may bring good news, its like a little snack of hope to keep us going until the WL really moves in May. HKing you are...well, the king!

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Just once, I'm ashamed.


But very happy to hear that next week may bring good news, its like a little snack of hope to keep us going until the WL really moves in May. HKing you are...well, the king!


Ryan, I did it for you brother.


You deserve to be in med school this year.


Good luck.

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Hey gang, got some good news for ya- I just turned down my spot at Dal (just sent the email like 5 min. ago). Like I said before, I'm an OOP student.


Sorry for the delay... it's an American school that I was accepted at and I was just waiting for financial aid details (those schools are a little pricey lol).


Anyways, I hope someone on here gets the spot. Regardless, I think many of you will get off the waitlist come May.


All the best!

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Hey gang, got some good news for ya- I just turned down my spot at Dal (just sent the email like 5 min. ago). Like I said before, I'm an OOP student.


Sorry for the delay... it's an American school that I was accepted at and I was just waiting for financial aid details (those schools are a little pricey lol).


Anyways, I hope someone on here gets the spot. Regardless, I think many of you will get off the waitlist come May.


All the best!


:cool: :cool: :cool:


Thanks for letting us know. What US school Snoopy?

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Any current students at Dal, can you drop by the office and see what the deal is with the waitlist? how many people/ why not disclose ranking/ when do we start hearing back, etc.


I'm pretty sure they'd answer those 3 questions with:

-we can't comment

-we can't comment

-you'll hear back when it moves.

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The waitlist should have some movement this week. I had declined my offer a few weeks ago, but I just got a call today asking me to confirm that I was declining my spot, and they had sent out an email on friday asking us to pay our deposits if we planned on attending. I know of at least 1 other candidate with a similar experience, so I imagine there are others. Hopefully good news reaches some people soon.

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I've been following this thread... I sympathize for you OOP waitlisters and hope you see some movement sooner than later. I am a wee bit jealous, however, at how early Dal sent out acceptance/waitlist notifications. I am going to need to be admitted to the psych ward after all this anxious waiting for ontario and western schools to release results.

All the best guys, hope you all get in (therefore freeing up spots at other schools :) ) haha.

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