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Who here is a morning person?


Are you a "morning person"?  

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  1. 1. Are you a "morning person"?

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I love mornings, as long as I do them right. Up early, do something active, good breakfast... that's the best time of the day, when I get the most done. I'l with ellorie: after about 3 pm I tend to get sloppy with my work.

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Lol i'm with you on that one! I rather stay up all night and wake up around 11am- noon. For some reason my brain always works better during those times :P


Unfortunately, sometimes you just don't have much of a choice (I have two 8:30 am classes this semester :S)! What sux is having to go over or redoing whatever was lectured until 10:30 (time it takes for the coffee to kick in and for me to wake up after 3-4 hrs of sleep) = waste of time. But on the other hand, I rather "waste my time" and have profs I know and like or take courses I actually appreciate - I guess it's the compromise you have to make and in the end things balance themselves out.




I loathe mornings... I was up at 7am and can barely function right now. Need.... sleep... and for those of you who like mornings, how is this possible?!?!??!
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Lol i'm with you on that one! I rather stay up all night and wake up around 11am- noon. For some reason my brain always works better during those times :P


Unfortunately, sometimes you just don't have much of a choice (I have two 8:30 am classes this semester :S)! What sux is having to go over or redoing whatever was lectured until 10:30 (time it takes for the coffee to kick in and for me to wake up after 3-4 hrs of sleep) = waste of time. But on the other hand, I rather "waste my time" and have profs I know and like or take courses I actually appreciate - I guess it's the compromise you have to make and in the end things balance themselves out.




If I wake up early, my whole day just sucks. I'm like irritable, eyes are red, I'm tired... Coffee does not help. I don't drink it - to me it taste like beans and ash tray juice! Hahahaha. P.S. 8:30AM class? Ouch!

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I like mornings. I've had several 8 am classes and have no problems with them. During my undergrad, I would often get up early, go to the gym for the first morning fitness class of the day, then head to class. In the summer, early morning is the only time I can get a run in without overheating.


I hate evening classes and avoid them if at all possible. I just don't think well at night. I go to bed early and wake up early.


I don't do coffee. Can't stand the taste of it. I am what they consider a "super taster" (ie. bitter tastes are repugnant to me) and so I find that coffee tastes foul. Diet Coke is my caffeine source of choice!

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Mornings are better for me.


I have had a few classes in the past at 7pm or later- I can't handle them.


I also know that if I get a final exam schedule and the exam is scheduled from 7-10pm, I WILL drop an entire letter grade in the course. I have even considered somehow declaring myself to have a disability. :(

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This will be a bit of an aimless ramble.


I'm definitely not a morning person, in the sense that I have trouble getting to sleep early, and hence like to sleep in. However, if had a tiring day before and got to sleep early, I actually love my morning and being up (relatively) early because it feels like I have so much time left in the day.


I guess I'd say I like mornings when I can get them, but I just like being up at night better. You'd think the solution would be to to sleep twice every day, half at night and have in the afternoon/evening, but I tend to get a lot done in the afternoons, even if I don't feel the greatest, and it would also eliminate some of the kick I get about being up in the morning if I know I'm gonna lose some of the day to napping.


Basically I just don't like sleeping.

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