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5th year or Victory Lap?

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I'm asking this on behalf of my lazy brother. He is a 3rd year UG at Mac. He is interested in medical school, but he screwed up his first and second year. He had a 2.8 in 1st year and about a 3.5 in second. His third so far seems to be going no better than his second. To be fair to him, he is heavily involved in intramural sports so that does take up some time from studying. If anything, I would also have to say he wants to go to medical school more than I did at his age. I told him his best chance would be Western or Queens if he could do well in 4th year. He is not going to participate in sports next year to focus on school. Our parents want him to go back to Toronto for this 5th year. Now if he did go to Toronto, he could do the 5th year at UT or York. He plans on loading up on those bird courses and doing some research as well (I told him he shouldn't do this but w/e, his life). Should he stay at Mac for 5th or does it not matter?


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If he is coming to UofT for 5th year, I really don't think he can "load up" on bird courses at UofT. Most UofT 3/4th year courses require a lot of studying and are by no means walk in the park. If he takes more than 2FCE/5 of lower level courses, he would be disqualified from UWO, so tread carefully.

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I did not know intramural sports can take over all your EC time. What your brother should do is focus on marks if he wants a legitimate chance at either Queens or Western. That means coming to U of T for a year full of bird courses is a firm "no". York may be a more reasonable suggestion but, honestly, changing universities and hoping to hit the jackpot in one year may be challenging.

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