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Post-interview thoughts

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Now that the first day of MMIs is in the books, I was wondering what you guys thought of the interview, the students, the school, etc.


REMINDER: You signed a confidentiality agreement for a reason. Please don't break it.


Personally, I think that as a school having the MMI for the first time this year, Queen's did a pretty good job with the organizational aspect. One thing I didn't like is that some people had to wait to start the stations since everyone starts at station 1. So I had to wait 50 minutes to officially start after the time that I had signed up for. Also, the acting stations were interesting. One of my actors was pretty tough to deal with, but that's to be expected.


Overall, I thought the 1st years were very friendly. I would have loved to tour the campus a bit, but the rain scared my away from walking around a lot. lol


Any other thoughts from the rest of you?

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I couldn't help but think about that study that showed that you are less likely to be admitted if you interviewed on a rainy day :( It was pouring all day Saturday! Please let it rain in Kingston today, and March 26/27th!! lol



Shhhh! lol


I thought about that study too. Lucky for me I've only had 1 rainy day interview so far.

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I had to wait about half an hour for my interview to start. I asked one of the students with the list what time I was slotted in for, so it wasn't too bad. I just sat with the students and used the time to ask questions about the program. All the students seemed to love it there :)

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I had a good time, the weather sucked, the volunteers were great etc like everyone else it seems.


Ive never had an MMI before, so I can't comment on how it compares... just that I found one prompt poorly worded, and one actor to be poorly trained/responding in a very peculiar and unrealistic way... Another slight issue I had was with varying degrees of formality, you aren't supposed to great and introduce yourself to the people in the station, but I had two stand and great me by name and reach out to shake my hand... of course I did since it would have been weirder if I didn't and I had no reason to suspect a trap...


If I was to rate the experience I'd say 4/5, and similarly I'd rate my performance 4/5...


So all in all I'm happy but doubt I'll get an offer... maybe a waitlisting if I'm lucky? I dunno, Queens interviews a HUGE number of people...


With all that in mind, does anyone know when they are going to send out offers? Not till after the next interview weekend? or batches for each? I'm curious because I need to considering taking an offer for a position that will expire before I have the chance to hear from some places...



oh and I ended up starting my circuit a full hour after my time slot (I was in the last group to start)... but I'll live haha

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Another slight issue I had was with varying degrees of formality, you aren't supposed to great and introduce yourself to the people in the station, but I had two stand and great me by name and reach out to shake my hand... of course I did since it would have been weirder if I didn't and I had no reason to suspect a trap...

I had that happen to me to. I just followed their lead.


With all that in mind, does anyone know when they are going to send out offers? Not till after the next interview weekend? or batches for each?
May 5th. It's the date set by OMSAS for all Ontario schools.
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AWESOME job by the admin and the students today. I was very, VERY, impressed with how smooth everything was for me this morning... Especially for the first MMI at Queen's!!


Lucky you, I had the exact opposite experience. For reasons I don't wish to state due to confidentiality and so forth, I think the organization was very poor and overall I feel very disrespected and as though I was off to unfair start right from the get-go. I managed to pull it together and keep smiling but looking back I definitely can not say I think they did an awesome job... too bad, I got over the reject/invite chaos and love Kingston, put my best foot forward, and I just don't feel I had them do the same for me. :(


Best of luck to everyone else!

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I had that happen to me to. I just followed their lead.


May 5th. It's the date set by OMSAS for all Ontario schools.


If the OMSAS interviews go out May 5th, how long do you have to respond? Some of the other schools aren't until May 13th I believe..


And does anyone know if the offer comes as a letter or is it an email?

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Lucky you, I had the exact opposite experience. For reasons I don't wish to state due to confidentiality and so forth, I think the organization was very poor and overall I feel very disrespected and as though I was off to unfair start right from the get-go. I managed to pull it together and keep smiling but looking back I definitely can not say I think they did an awesome job... too bad, I got over the reject/invite chaos and love Kingston, put my best foot forward, and I just don't feel I had them do the same for me. :(


Best of luck to everyone else!


Don't count yourself out just yet.


I had a lot of fun with the whole process - I really enjoyed the role playing and thought I did better on those than on the question-answer based stations. Video was pretty funny too :D

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I dropped my paper outside the MMI station and when I bent down to pick it up I was especially careful not to split my pants, ala RyanMaverick.


Errr yeah, I pretty much just left anything that fell on the ground. I was NOT tempting fate again.


I was reasonably impressed with their organization and process. I'm actually a fan of the "everyone starts at station 1" set-up as well - which I haven't seen from other schools. I'm a little surprised they didn't have some form of evaluation or feedback so they could audit their process.


My only funny story from this day was my first station. I finished with a minute left or so and they interviewer (who seemed to be a faculty member) was asking "what I thought of the question" and asking for feedback about it. Then he asked me where I was from and then was like "wait, am I allowed to ask that? Oh well - where are you from?". I thought it was pretty entertaining.

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I felt like the MMI was very well organized, the actors were great.

I was freaking out before the first station the med student talked me down, I will always be thankful for her.

I'm a bit confused by the point of panel section...... i didn't feel i was ever given an opportunity to talk about my experiences, or talk about who i am as a person. It was a mass number of random questions

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I agree about the volunteers, there was this SUPER helpful first-year who helped me calm down during the waiting room. They were all really nice and enthusiastic.


Overall I thought this MMI was definitely different than the previous MMI I've done - much more concrete content and less abstract pontification required. Thought it went pretty well. Altho the panel interview did feel like an assortment of random questions at times.

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Well that's poor news... my girlfriend has a may 2nd deadline for her offers for her post grad work too...


If she emails the schools I assume some sort of accommodation could be made?


Someone mentioned finishing a minute early. How did you guys feel about that? If you finished your response early was it an awkward silence while they marked, some follow up questions, casual chit chat etc? (I don't know what the confidentiality agreement entailed so i don't know if that oversteps boundaries?)

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Congrats and good luck to those of you who are done the interview!


I'm interviewing later this month, and I have a quick question for those of you who interviewed this weekend:


Did the interviewers ask you follow up or "probing" questions? That seems to be common practice in the MMIs I am familiar with, but I haven't heard one way or the other about whether Queen's would ask follow up questions.



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I'm a bit confused by the point of panel section...... i didn't feel i was ever given an opportunity to talk about my experiences, or talk about who i am as a person. It was a mass number of random questions
Hmm, that's interesting. I felt that all my panel questions were very focused on my experiences and not random at all. I would have thought that the questions were standardized.


Congrats and good luck to those of you who are done the interview!


I'm interviewing later this month, and I have a quick question for those of you who interviewed this weekend:


Did the interviewers ask you follow up or "probing" questions? That seems to be common practice in the MMIs I am familiar with, but I haven't heard one way or the other about whether Queen's would ask follow up questions.



They say things/ask questions that allow someone to be able to fill up the entire 10 minutes.


I interviewed on Saturday (the rainy day). Not sure what to think of it. Anyways, does anyone know when the first round of offers are?
May 5th. It was already mentioned in this thread.
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Were you allowed to have your purse with you during the MMI? I'm debating whether I should bring mine with me. Thanks!
Nope. You can't take anything with you into the interview area except for your photo ID. But you can leave your purse in the coat check (there were a lot of purses checked in). There's a med student watching that room at all times.
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