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Post-Interview Formula

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Not sure its worth asking. There is only one school in the province that officially even confirms this information (Mac) so Queens likely won't reveal anything. Either way, we all will do the best we can with the interview so its unlikely to change anything except end speculation :P

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Not sure its worth asking. There is only one school in the province that officially even confirms this information (Mac) so Queens likely won't reveal anything. Either way, we all will do the best we can with the interview so its unlikely to change anything except end speculation :P


or provide some relief to those worrying about their interviews...

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It wouldn't provide relief though. It would just be another thing that people would get anxious about.


Yeah I guess though the worry would be biased towards whether you happen to have a high or moderate GPA (I refuse to say any one with an overall A average at least has a low GPA :) )

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I hope they didn't interview me just for the bottom of the list due to heavy reliance on the gpa/mcat. that would just be cruel.


Med schools do not interview people who realistically have no chance of getting in, if for no other reason than interviewing is time consuming, exhausting, and doctors are busy people :)

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I more or less am just trying to keep myself realistic. Yeah its true some people may get overly anxious over the information. But, I figure I would like to realistically keep my likelihoods of acceptances in check. I mean there is the one side where you can become extremely pessimistic and negative with this type of information but on the flip side you can come out feeling extremely confident the interview went well, almost expecting an acceptance, only to be disappointed on the decision date due to either your interview going more crappier than you expected, or other factors (gpa, mcat etc)


I guess its more or less others can read this thread at their own caution but if anyone does find out please do post:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm pretty bored so i did some digging in the accepted thread and it seems like some of the people who got off the waitlist last year seem to have a best 2 year gpa of 3.75ish. I have a feeling the queen's has and might even still some how include gpa into the post interview calculation.

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i'm pretty bored so i did some digging in the accepted thread and it seems like some of the people who got off the waitlist last year seem to have a best 2 year gpa of 3.75ish. I have a feeling the queen's has and might even still some how include gpa into the post interview calculation.


The Queen's waitlist is known to move a LOT. Check out the afmc data.

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I may be wrong, but on interview day I heard one of the med students say something along the lines of GPA/MCAT not mattering at the interview stage anymore. Not sure if they knew this as a fact or just believed this was how it happened so take this with a grain of salt.

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I may be wrong, but on interview day I heard one of the med students say something along the lines of GPA/MCAT not mattering at the interview stage anymore. Not sure if they knew this as a fact or just believed this was how it happened so take this with a grain of salt.


That's how it used to be, but it may not be the same anymore...

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it means you have 3 weeks to decide if you take the spot you were offered.


that is,


if you get in to queens, but get waitlisted at UWO (which let's say is your top choice), you only have 3 weeks to respond. Most people will probably accept queens - which will take them off any other ontario WL. In previous years, you could provisionally accept queens and theoretically wait to be taken off of UWO's waitlist.

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Used to move a lot. But with the new 'no-conditional acceptances' rule implemented last year, I doubt it moves as much now.


I’m guessing that the reason you say the waitlist movement will be less is because the schools would wait till after the 3 weeks to make offers for the declined spots off the waitlist? If that is the case, that really sucks!


It would be nice if they made offers as soon as they were available.


And is an OOP acceptance binding in Ontario?

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