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What would you do the summer before Med School?


What would you do the summer before starting med school?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What would you do the summer before starting med school?

    • Seek employment - got to pay that 20K tuition!
    • Travel - one last chance to see the world
    • Research - lab monkey for now.
    • Volunteer
    • Take summer courses
    • Do nothing/hobby/sleep

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I totally have a plan. I want to work part-time as a barista- learn to make nice coffee, have a job where the time goes by quickly, but doesn't affect the rest of my life, and part-time means time off. Get to chat with ppl too.


Hey.. that was my idea, all be it if i don't get that summer camp job..

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booked my honeymoon to costa rica!! Stoked!! and just found out I got a job with the gov't making sweet dough!! life is good :)


Honeymoon eh? Huge! Hope you two have a happy life bud :).


OT: may get involved with a clinical trial, following up on research I've conducted 2 years ago...if that doesn't go through though then simply enjoy my summer. Lots of sports/friends/family/SO time.

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I did nothing and travelled some.


For the love of god, dont work your ass off in a job or some lab. Enjoy your freedom before the years of being busy--you have done enough lab stuff and work getting into meds. I dont know of anyone who did a lot of work or research the summer before, but they would have to be some pretty joyless people lol, the very thought of that depresses me

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