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Yor University 4th year thesis

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Hi everyone,


I have a few personal questions about doing a 4th year thesis at York, and I don't know of anyone that goes to York U personally so I was hoping to get some info here. I am unfamiliar with the process as I am being forced to transfer due to family issues. I was wondering if any York student here would be so kind to PM me back, I would hugely appreciate it. Thanks so much :)

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Oops, I forgot to mention one important fact: I was looking to do a thesis in the Biology department! Thanks for the ^info though, I presume its very similar for the bio department? Thanks!


If you're interested in doing your thesis this fall, a lot of profs have a deadline of Jan which has passed. Also, the thesis is not a requirement, so you can choose not to do it if you don't want to.

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Well Im not in any biology program, but i do have friends doing thesis. They are doing it in psychology though. The process at U.T.M is quite different than described above.


Over here, they do a screening process. Alot of people apply for a thesis, however they only accept 11 people. The first email specialist who meet a certian GPA average. Once that is done, they interview you and then your asked to go and meet up with a professor. Then the professor requires you to come up with an idea, provide CV's and grades. This is my knowledge of how it works in U.T.M based on what i have seen. Also a thesis is very intense. So just be aware of the work you will have to put in.

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at yorku for biology,


you gotta find a prof, look for him one year in advanced.. and then use the summer, and get to know the research technique thay you will be using. start in summer/fall and ull be done by semester two.

then you present it to some people <-- this part is called the defence.


basically you sit in front of 4-5 profs including your supervisor and the course director and you present for 15 minuts, and thne they ask you questions for the next 45 minutes I think. once thats done, you leave the room and they all vote on your grade for the project..


also at york, its flexible.. you can do a summer/fall project, fall/winter project or winter/summer project..

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at yorku for biology,


you gotta find a prof, look for him one year in advanced.. and then use the summer, and get to know the research technique thay you will be using. start in summer/fall and ull be done by semester two.

then you present it to some people <-- this part is called the defence.


basically you sit in front of 4-5 profs including your supervisor and the course director and you present for 15 minuts, and thne they ask you questions for the next 45 minutes I think. once thats done, you leave the room and they all vote on your grade for the project..


also at york, its flexible.. you can do a summer/fall project, fall/winter project or winter/summer project..


thanks for the info. For the winter/summer project, is it the same deadline as the others? Or would it be later (like in the fall sometime?). So you'd present in the summer, and your mark would be given then? (ie even after you're done 4th year and have graduated?).

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thanks for the info. For the winter/summer project, is it the same deadline as the others? Or would it be later (like in the fall sometime?). So you'd present in the summer, and your mark would be given then? (ie even after you're done 4th year and have graduated?).


im not aware of the details of what happens if you were to present it during the summer.. also, I read somewhere that evern if you do the fall/winter project, you can choose to present it in the summer, but agian im not sure about the details like marks nad graduation..


If I were you, id give the undergrad office a call or just show up.. they are very nice if you have questions and very knowledgable as well..

let me know if you need their number.


btw the importent thing is finding a prof, usually they take us all in, but if you start looking late, then their lab might be ful already..

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