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UofT vs UWO

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Hey everyone! I wanted to start a list of reasons why UofT or UWO might be a better appeal. I will start it off..



- More specialty programs after your DDS

- Research

- Traditional learning style



- New curriculum has PBL

- start working in clinics earlier on

- London is a pretty city

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Not regarding the schools or their curriculums, but Toronto > London, any day.


London also has a much closer-knit, less scattered campus. Might get a tighter sense of community there. I think the biggest thing is the fact that hands-on clinical work begins immediately at Western.

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- New curriculum has PBL

- start working in clinics earlier on

- London is a pretty city


FYI UWO doesn't have PBL in their new curriculum. They also use traditional lecture style.


First years assist upper years in the clinic at UWO, but they do that also at UofT. UWO used to start in the sim clinic immediately (old curriculum), but with the new curriculum at UWO they start about 5 months later so now both of two schools start around the same time I believe. So I don't think the hands-on work starts any earlier at either school anymore.

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having all specialties is actually more of a problem for dental students at uoft...as a result, most of the different/unique cases get transferred to the graduate students as they have both priority and choice for case selection....undergrads get the remaining cases...

since UWO does not have all specialties, u will have a better chance at getting unique cases...there is a thread somewhere on this forum about the issue...

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FYI UWO doesn't have PBL in their new curriculum. They also use traditional lecture style.


First years assist upper years in the clinic at UWO, but they do that also at UofT. UWO used to start in the sim clinic immediately (old curriculum), but with the new curriculum at UWO they start about 5 months later so now both of two schools start around the same time I believe. So I don't think the hands-on work starts any earlier at either school anymore.





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what jbdent says is true. there's no PBL and first years sit in a classroom and learn everything from the start (for example: what a cell is). after that stuff, they get clinic experience.


toronto is good because it's in toronto and you have a chance to interact with more specialists

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