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Switching from U of T to Western to finish undergrad

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Hey guys

I just wanted to get a second opinion on this decision here that I'm about to make. I'm finishing off two years at U of T and I ended up with a cgpa of about 3.1. I know this is bad, but let me assure you, I've tried everything to bring it up. It always seems as if U of T is screwing me over with their grading system. I want to switch to Western because of the smaller classes and the grading system, I heard is more reasonable than at U of T. Am I being misguided here? I have plans in the future to pursue a career in medicine or pharmacy.


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Hey guys

I just wanted to get a second opinion on this decision here that I'm about to make. I'm finishing off two years at U of T and I ended up with a cgpa of about 3.1. I know this is bad, but let me assure you, I've tried everything to bring it up. It always seems as if U of T is screwing me over with their grading system. I want to switch to Western because of the smaller classes and the grading system, I heard is more reasonable than at U of T. Am I being misguided here? I have plans in the future to pursue a career in medicine or pharmacy.



If you think that it will benefit you to switch, you should. Just remember that it will still be hard to pull marks in some courses, no matter where you go.

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I actually did the same thing but I transferred after first year. My cGPA was approx 3.75 but switched also because I was interested in a particular program and U of T did not have that program. And I was not gong to continue in life sci. I hated it!


I switched to one of UWO's affilated colleges and I absolutely love it! If I had switched to main campus at Western I think that it would have been similar to U of T or only a bit better. So you really have to do your research before switching. My affilate college has very small class sizes no class greater than 100 and an awesome community!


What program are you thinking of switching into? If its biomed or med sci I don't think that it would much of a difference. Also since you are going into third year you will have missed a lot of the courses that were required in first and second year. The majority of classes that you have taken at U of T may not be transferred depending on the program that you are thinking of transferring into. Also, if you are serious about doing this you need to check when the deadline to transfer is and how long it would take you to finish your degree. Most likely you will not be graduating on time.


Good luck with whatever you choose!

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yeh i heard some bad things about uoft's grading system, like how they keep the class average low and sometimes bellcurve down? dunno if that's true, but i have a lot of smart friends at uoft and they arent doing as well as they should be. i know a guy that transferred from uoft to western after 2nd year and he seems happy with his decision. he switched into bio. however, he told me he still managed to get 80s at uoft. i dont think he's getting all 90s now, but i do think he's doing better than he was at uoft. im in medical science at western and i can tell u that most classes seem fair, as in study a lot = do well. there are also many bird courses where u can pull off 90 or 95 easily. if u end up transferring and u have room for bird courses msg me and ill gladly recommend some to u.


one thing i would consider is whether professional schools would disapprove of switching to another school in the middle of ur program, but maybe it isnt a big deal.

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yeh i heard some bad things about uoft's grading system, like how they keep the class average low and sometimes bellcurve down? dunno if that's true, but i have a lot of smart friends at uoft and they arent doing as well as they should be. i know a guy that transferred from uoft to western after 2nd year and he seems happy with his decision. he switched into bio. however, he told me he still managed to get 80s at uoft. i dont think he's getting all 90s now, but i do think he's doing better than he was at uoft. im in medical science at western and i can tell u that most classes seem fair, as in study a lot = do well. there are also many bird courses where u can pull off 90 or 95 easily. if u end up transferring and u have room for bird courses msg me and ill gladly recommend some to u.


one thing i would consider is whether professional schools would disapprove of switching to another school in the middle of ur program, but maybe it isnt a big deal.


Medical schools, from my knowledge, won't care as long as you meet requirements that they set out

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Just to clarify:


1st and 2nd year are the hardest at UTSG for life sci, the averages are low. However, starting in 3rd year things improve dramatically. A lot of my 3rd year course have B-/B/B+ average so people do much much better. In 4th year most course have B+/A- average with small class so things work out at the end.


Just as an anecdote, a prof I know did 2 years undergrad at Eridale College (UTM), went to UWO for 1 year, and got into UT Med. He's now at Faculty of Med at UT.

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