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What happens after undergrad?

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With hearing all these stories of how 1/10 pre med student gets into medicine where do they go after?



The only place I can think of a premed that would be to a foreign medical school cause usually premed students at least the ones I know wont settle for being a lab technician or what ever else there is out there.

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With hearing all these stories of how 1/10 pre med student gets into medicine where do they go after?



The only place I can think of a premed that would be to a foreign medical school cause usually premed students at least the ones I know wont settle for being a lab technician or what ever else there is out there.


1) Work, try again

2) Masters Degree, try again

3) PHd, if still interested try again

4) none of the above, straight to IMG

5) Other occupation (dentistry, optometry, vet, nursing, osteopathic, etc)

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I don't think many would go for vet, honestly, unless they already had a lot of varied volunteer experiences with animals, and had already worked with at least two vets that could give reference letters. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to get the necessary experience and references.


On the other hand, I know lots of people who pick physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech-language pathology as back-ups to medicine. A few pick nursing, dietetics, or pharmacy.

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9/10 of those pre-meds will have no interest in medicine by the time they get into their last semester of fourth year.


getting a 3.9 and doing all the **** you have to do to get into med sucks, and most people realize that they don't want to be doing this their whole life


physiotherapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, law, business after degree, optometry, teaching, dentistry, counselling, clinical genetics, nursing after degree, social work, professor.



With hearing all these stories of how 1/10 pre med student gets into medicine where do they go after?



The only place I can think of a premed that would be to a foreign medical school cause usually premed students at least the ones I know wont settle for being a lab technician or what ever else there is out there.

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don't forget engineering! That's my back-up.


-4th year undergrad engineering -> apply first time ->if rejected ->gap year (improve ec's)

-> apply again (also apply for masters program) -> if rejected




-2 year master in chem. or biochem. eng -> then apply again -> if rejected



give up

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If you don't get in the first time, try again. Go over your application and see what it is your lacking, maybe it is a low GPA, maybe your MCAT scores need to behigher, but whatever it is, try again, don't give up... do everything as human possible to become an MD if that's really what you want..

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Guest copacetic
1) Work, try again

2) Masters Degree, try again

3) PHd, if still interested try again

4) none of the above, straight to IMG

5) Other occupation (dentistry, optometry, vet, nursing, osteopathic, etc)


6) go to the states, (not considered IMG)

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I don't really have a back up plan, at least not yet. I just don't see myself doing anything else, I will just keep trying until I become a doctor.


I found this on another (USA) medical forum, it has a really nice flow chart I think you guys should look at: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=697459



the links in one of the pre-med stickies while back

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