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Jake are you seriously getting married???? CONGRATS :)


Yes I am! This is a sweet year for me acceptance or not :) after a girl says yes a school saying yes or no doesn't seem quite so important. ( I said quite though, it's still pretty dang important). Thanks for the congrats, times are exciting.

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Yes I am! This is a sweet year for me acceptance or not :) after a girl says yes a school saying yes or no doesn't seem quite so important. ( I said quite though, it's still pretty dang important). Thanks for the congrats, times are exciting.


Hey cool have fun man, my 1-year anniversary is coming up next month and I couldn't be happier. Remember to chillax at your wedding and enjoy the moment... it'll be awesome.

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Yes I am! This is a sweet year for me acceptance or not :) after a girl says yes a school saying yes or no doesn't seem quite so important. ( I said quite though, it's still pretty dang important). Thanks for the congrats, times are exciting.


Congrats jake! This must be quite a busy and exciting year for you; best of luck for the future!

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Hey cool have fun man, my 1-year anniversary is coming up next month and I couldn't be happier. Remember to chillax at your wedding and enjoy the moment... it'll be awesome.


Thanks Erk! Congrats on the 1-year, its encouraging to know that things are working out well for you so far!


Congrats jake! This must be quite a busy and exciting year for you; best of luck for the future!


Thanks Boss! Haha, busy and exciting are understatements. Midterms, projects, papers, interviews, volunteering here, volunteering there, and wedding stuff (showers, making invites, planning honeymoon, picking venue, etc etc etc)... Oh my goodness its hectic. But, incredibly fast paced and exciting. Although, waiting for May 5th and May 13th to come is definitely slowing down the pace... it is taking forever.... (41 days till Alberta tells!)

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Trying to write papers, make presentations, and study for finals while simultaneously going through these posts like somehow it will help when it only makes things worse. I know better, but there's a voice in the back of my head saying maybe someone will post some new piece of information from which you will be able to discern with some high degree of confidence that you are guaranteed a spot at your favourite med school. Or perhaps they have changed their minds and are going to send out acceptances early for some farfetched reason involving aliens and/or terrorist conspiracies.

On the upside there is knowing that you are only a member of a group of tortured souls, some coping better, others merely pretending, who are all trying desperately hard to simultaneously distract and entertain in an effort to pass the long days ahead. But like a kid who has been tickled by the snow in November and has had his thoughts turned to the distance between now and Santa’s return the only logical thing a person can do is scream, scream loud, and scream lots.


Totally know what you mean. Nothing like a false sense of control over the now uncontrollable to eat up valuable time. 39 days of waiting left!

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Totally know what you mean. Nothing like a false sense of control over the now uncontrollable to eat up valuable time. 39 days of waiting left!


Only 5 weeks from friday! If we were to order a parcel with the standard 6-8 weeks delivery it would not arrive before our rejection/acceptance!

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Does anyone know how much overlap there is between U of C and U of A in terms of their IP pool? I heard from a friend that the number is roughly 75% for overlap (but that was for the ENTIRE pool including OOP).


I've never heard a definite, official number. Anecdotally I think 75% sounds about right... maybe higher. The initial interview acceptance criteria are pretty close for both institutions and one would be a fool to apply at only one of the two if one is IP.

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I've never heard a definite, official number. Anecdotally I think 75% sounds about right... maybe higher. The initial interview acceptance criteria are pretty close for both institutions and one would be a fool to apply at only one of the two if one is IP.


I'm visiting from the Calgary thread because I was curious about the overlap. It sounds awfully high.... but that means good news for IP applicants! :D


Random distraction of the day:


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4 days till baby comes

7 days till honors thesis presentation

12 days till 1st final

14 days until paper thesis due, and final

21 days until last final

26 days until Queens releases

35 U of A and U of C

36 massive embolism!


That is a very exciting pile of days coming up! Congrats on baby and all that. :)

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4 days till baby comes

7 days till honors thesis presentation

12 days till 1st final

14 days until paper thesis due, and final

21 days until last final

26 days until Queens releases

35 U of A and U of C

36 massive embolism!

Hey, I didn't realise the aforementioned baby was quite that soon!

I am jealous :( but not of the sleep you will not be having.


I predict that any moment now you will not even remotely notice the passage of time until the 13th.


Also: 5 weeks!

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Congrats on the baby, Para D!!


Does anyone else keep having dreams about May 13?


I recently had a dream that it May 13, 2012 (or whatever day it is on then) and my my husband and my best friend got into med school and I was waitlisted. It was a very bad dream, as neither of them are premed. :o

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