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Interested in how much your prof makes?


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Algoma University --> University of Ottawa



University of St. Michael's College --> York University



from http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/publications/salarydisclosure/2011/


It's interesting finding out which of my profs make over 100k but even more interesting to see how much some administrators get paid :eek:

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I didn't realize that some of my profs were making this kind of money.. I guess you kind of deserve it after going through that much schooling and all. Although I can think of one or two professors who are probably vastly overpaid for "teaching" by reading off of their slides which are straight out of the textbook :/

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some are salaried for clinical/teaching classes/clinical. some don't even work in the hospital or at the med school and just get a salary for clin teaching. some have fused pay per service for their clinical work and salary for teaching etc. it depends on the prof.


This is just what doctors get paid for their teaching right? Like separate from their billing?
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