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April Interviews

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Hi everyone!


Just got into Hamilton, much nicer than I expected! :)


Anyways, just wanted to start a new soon-to-be post interview page since the last is all amazing stats stuff.


I am just wondering: in my package I was told there would be a computer station? How has it become public knowledge that there is actually no computer station?


Good luck everyone! See some of you tomorrow! :)

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I dreamt last night that tomorrow's MMI included stations such as playing Uno, having warm enough hands to be a doctor and looking good with a stethoscope. I'll be happy to have interviews over so I can stop dreaming about them, though it was pretty funny.

Hope to see some of you tomorrow!

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I'll be hosting some of you tommorrow (in the PM group).


Enjoy your night in Hamilton and try to get out and see something. My recommendation for tonight is take a taxi/bus/walk to Bean Bar on King St. W. (Paisley and King St.) for dinner. It's in a part of Hamilton next to campus called Westdale.

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RyanMav, I'm fairly certain we won't need a print out of the invitation letter - I have a copy of it with me and it says nothing about needing to bring it to the interview :)


Anyone else on track 6 at 11:30 tomorrow? I'm short with long brown hair and a dark grey/ slightly navyish suit and a purple blouse! Say hi!


I'm hoping to meet some pm101s, especially the legendary ryanmaverick! Did you pack your duct tape?

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So, April 2 has come and gone, and one of my MMI stations was an absolute mess. *sigh* Oh well, it was just one station. Overall, I think Mac did a great job with the interview day. I really liked how the student hosts weren't only from 1st year. It was nice to hear a more "seasoned" perspective.

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So, April 2 has come and gone, and one of my MMI stations was an absolute mess. *sigh* Oh well, it was just one station. Overall, I think Mac did a great job with the interview day. I really liked how the student hosts weren't only from 1st year. It was nice to hear a more "seasoned" perspective.


Congratulations on the accomplishment and fear not the one station that went wrong.

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So, April 2 has come and gone, and one of my MMI stations was an absolute mess. *sigh* Oh well, it was just one station. Overall, I think Mac did a great job with the interview day. I really liked how the student hosts weren't only from 1st year. It was nice to hear a more "seasoned" perspective.


On my interview day they told us that virtually everyone who was accepted last year felt they had done horribly in at least one station. And I think they drop your best and your worst stations from your score calculation. So basically, don't sweat it!

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On my interview day they told us that virtually everyone who was accepted last year felt they had done horribly in at least one station. And I think they drop your best and your worst stations from your score calculation. So basically, don't sweat it!


I'm not sure they're going to do that this year because there were only 10 real stations. In the past there have been at least 11. If they take out your best and worst, 8 stations might not be a representative sample of the applicant.

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On my interview day they told us that virtually everyone who was accepted last year felt they had done horribly in at least one station. And I think they drop your best and your worst stations from your score calculation. So basically, don't sweat it!
Oh yeah, I know. I'm not worried or anything. I'm just a little frustrated because I was talking to other people about the interview in that station and they all were like "Oh, I thought the interview was super nice and friendly and listened completely to my answer." whereas I did not have that experience at all. Not very standardized in my opinion (although I don't know what grade I got for the station).
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Oh yeah, I know. I'm not worried or anything. I'm just a little frustrated because I was talking to other people about the interview in that station and they all were like "Oh, I thought the interview was super nice and friendly and listened completely to my answer." whereas I did not have that experience at all. Not very standardized in my opinion (although I don't know what grade I got for the station).


Did the evaluator interrupt you and seem aggressive?

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Maybe they wanted to see how quick you are on your feet. If you are delivering an answer and like 1-2 mins in they gauge that you have a good response, they may want to challenge you with some more difficult questions? I dunno just speculating

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Did the evaluator interrupt you and seem aggressive?
Um...kind of. It's hard to explain, but I've been in stations with aggressive interviewers before and this one was really different.


Maybe they wanted to see how quick you are on your feet. If you are delivering an answer and like 1-2 mins in they gauge that you have a good response, they may want to challenge you with some more difficult questions? I dunno just speculating
It was more like challenge me 30 seconds in. lol
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Did anyone have a situation where they felt their assessor wasn't listening? I gave my answer at one station and then the assessor asked me questions about a bunch of things I'd already addressed. Like say I said I thought something was done well, for example - a few minutes later she'd aggressively ask "but what about this? Don't you think it was done well?" implying that I hadn't addressed it and I had to say "well, as I said, I thought this was well done..."


Anyway. Whatever.

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Um...kind of. It's hard to explain, but I've been in stations with aggressive interviewers before and this one was really different.


I had an aggressive fellow.


Did anyone have a situation where they felt their assessor wasn't listening? I gave my answer at one station and then the assessor asked me questions about a bunch of things I'd already addressed. Like say I said I thought something was done well, for example - a few minutes later she'd aggressively ask "but what about this? Don't you think it was done well?" implying that I hadn't addressed it and I had to say "well, as I said, I thought this was well done..."


Anyway. Whatever.


This happened to me a couple times!!!

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I had one agressive guy in one of my stations. I completely fell apart (which is why I'm hoping that they drop the worst, because it was certainly my worst station). After speaking to the other people in my group, I found out that everyone had a similar experience with that evaluator. In fact, we thought he might have been put up to it- a couple of us noticed that he seemed close to laughing at a couple points.


On the other hand, when I asked people in other groups about that station, they didn't seem to have experienced the same treatment. Kind of annoying on one hand (that we had a tough time while others didn't, however, maybe they had different stations that were difficult), but then on the other hand I guess no system can be perfect and Mac seems to be trying to standardise this as much as possible...

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This happened to me a couple times!!!


It made me worry that they had missed other important parts of my answer. The person was also pretty aggressive and had a rather unimpressed look on their face.


In other MMIs though I've had people who outright asked "is that it? are you done?" and have interrupted me, raised their eyebrows, etc and it's not because I gave a ridiculous answer or said something terribly politically incorrect. I just brush it off and tell myself that they were instructed to do that :P there's nothing I can do about it anyway I guess.

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oh jesus I thought I wasn't giving this guy an answer he was looking for. I was like 'uhhhh I thought I'd answered as much as I could, am I missing something completely OBVIOUS?' and just kept on going, trying to think of something new. definitely a bit nerve-wracking to have someone challenge you over and over again.


this happened to me with two interviewers though, not just one...

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Man am I glad to hear that I wasn't the only one to run into a few aggressive interviewers...and also ones who seemed to ask questions that I had answered once or twice already.


I'm not sure if it was done on purpose or if I bombed the station. I certainly felt like I could have said more (or better) things after the fact, but I guess most would feel that way.

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Don't look into the evaluators too much. Having sat on the other side this year as an interviewer, I can tell you that at breakfast and lunch, we spent the whole time talking about how we're either going to try to stroke the applicant's ego or give them a hard time - but still judge them fairly in relation to their peers. I thought I bombed my mac interview last year and it worked out for me :)

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