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Hey everyone, I interviewed today and wanted to express my thanks to all the hard work that the first/2nd years put into making all of the interviewees' day awesome. I definitely noticed the cohesion that you have over at Schulich and hope to be a part of it one day :) .


You guys rock!

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Hey everyone, I interviewed today and wanted to express my thanks to all the hard work that the first/2nd years put into making all of the interviewees' day awesome. I definitely noticed the cohesion that you have over at Schulich and hope to be a part of it one day :) .


You guys rock!


definitely the 1st years that deserve the credit :) They did an awesome job!

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I totally agree, although I'm sure i'll be even more impressed if there had been a social dinner on Sunday (my interview day) as well.

I felt really good about my interview actually, definitely more so than the other ones I did. I mean... my interviewers shared some laughs with me, said "that's a great/good/excellent answer" quite a few times, and one (a physician) said "it may not be the best answer but in reality that's what I would do too". They were sometimes nodding to each other with an agreeing/impressed look on their face. There were 1 or 2 moments where I thought my answer wasn't as great, but overall I think got a really positive response. I'm grateful for their feedback but am starting to doubt whether they were intentionally trying to make me feel at ease or just fooling me into thinking I aced the interview.

So did anybody else feel that way also? I wonder if many ppl got that kind of reaction... which may be an indication that positive feedback doesn't mean anything.

Lol... i'm asking cuz I'm having difficulties concentrating on studying and finishing my last few exams of my undergrad career. I mean if I know I have a good chance of getting into any med school then i'd probably just slack off and be ok with an average mark lol.

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I totally agree, although I'm sure i'll be even more impressed if there had been a social dinner on Sunday (my interview day) as well.

I felt really good about my interview actually, definitely more so than the other ones I did. I mean... my interviewers shared some laughs with me, said "that's a great/good/excellent answer" quite a few times, and one (a physician) said "it may not be the best answer but in reality that's what I would do too". They were sometimes nodding to each other with an agreeing/impressed look on their face. There were 1 or 2 moments where I thought my answer wasn't as great, but overall I think got a really positive response. I'm grateful for their feedback but am starting to doubt whether they were intentionally trying to make me feel at ease or just fooling me into thinking I aced the interview.

So did anybody else feel that way also? I wonder if many ppl got that kind of reaction... which may be an indication that positive feedback doesn't mean anything.

Lol... i'm asking cuz I'm having difficulties concentrating on studying and finishing my last few exams of my undergrad career. I mean if I know I have a good chance of getting into any med school then i'd probably just slack off and be ok with an average mark lol.


Glad to hear your interview went well! From what you've written, it appears to me like they were genuinely impressed.


As with anything in life, now is the time to focus on the task at hand and finish strong. If for whatever reason you don't end up getting into any medical schools this time around, then a strong fourth year GPA will mean that you will be in an excellent position to reapply and just that by itself could strengthen your application enough to get you in the next time around, while a mediocre finish will leave you kicking yourself and wondering why you let up with only a few weeks to go until the end.

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Hey Naspec thanks for the encouragement. you are right and I know what I should do but it's sometimes hard to concentrate haha, especially thinking about traveling in the summer and preparing for a new chapter of my life in an entire different place :D

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Hey Naspec thanks for the encouragement. you are right and I know what I should do but it's sometimes hard to concentrate haha, especially thinking about traveling in the summer and preparing for a new chapter of my life in an entire different place :D


the best thing i ever did was push any and every memory of my medical school interviews out of my head. try your best to do so (even go so far as to deleting any detailed descriptions of how it went) and your mind will benefit. wait until may and see what happens. you did your best and if you have to do it again, you'll know how to do better (regardless of whether or not you remember minute details). what you need to realize is that many interviewers base their decisions on the flow of an entire interview and how they perceive the person OVERALL, sure you could do better on question x or y but there is no use in obsessing over what you cannot change.


best of luck!

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