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What are you doing 'till May 5th?

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I agree. It came off a wee bit patronizing.


Then again, I'm can't fault people for having the mindset to want to travel with their LOC especially if its their "last" summer before they embark upon this career path. Personally, it's still up in the air for me as to what I'm going to do. I hated working menial jobs for the past few summers, so I'm leaning more towards a break of some sort.


the only reason I brought it up was because, from my viewpoint, that's all I've been seeing... people basically mandating a stress-free, travel-filled summer. it seemed harsh and kind of rubbed it into the face of those who can't afford it. and I have no idea if I'll get in and will have that line of credit... the opportunity cost of 'banking on getting in and using a LOC to finance travel' vs having a job and for sure making some money even if I do not get into med school is more worthwhile to me. but to each their own - even med students get time off :P
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What time of day do acceptances come out? Is it you'll wake up to an email, or are they released throughout the day like interview offers? Do all the schools do them at the same time? Is it through OMSAS or emails?


I heard that the emails are sent around 8:40AM. Judging from the acceptance/waitlist/rejection thread, it looks like all of the emails go out at the same time.

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Also, if you work too much, you'll just decrease your OSAP funding anyway. This will take away from your Ontario Student Opportunity Grant (free money). Working is a disservice to yourself.


I'll take this statement back if you can make over $20 000 relatively easily in summer.


Exactly. It's a stupid system in some ways, but essentially, working in the summer will probably get you very little in return at the end of the day. If you come to mac, this is the last real summer you'll ever have IN YOUR LIFE!!! Enjoy the heck out if it!

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That certainly puts thesis corrections into perspective :P


on that note, that is exactly what I am currently doing - making corrections, editing wish a fresh perspective.. and referencing >.< should hand it in by tonight and then meeting on thursday and I am DONE DONE DONE my undergrad!

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17 days

i reckon thats about enough time to go across middle earth destroy the one ring of power


Surprisingly enough, that is exactly how long it will take you to actually watch all 3 movies in their entirety!


I found a random picture of Sauron in one of my lectures while I was studying this weekend, and now this? Must be a sign to put all the books/notes down and have an LOTR marathon!




Yeah I didn't think it would garner a prolonged period of laughter.


Even though I didn't apply to McMaster I thought I would tell you all that when I was in first year I went to the LOTR Marathon where they showed the extended versions of the first two films back to back and then played ROTK at midnight. It was the best 127 hours of my life... and I walked out with both of my arms, 3 frames from the films in a collectable display case and a collectors cup.

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Even though I didn't apply to McMaster I thought I would tell you all that when I was in first year I went to the LOTR Marathon where they showed the extended versions of the first two films back to back and then played ROTK at midnight. It was the best 127 hours of my life... and I walked out with both of my arms, 3 frames from the films in a collectable display case and a collectors cup.


I think, my dear friends, that is what we call "winning"

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