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Princeton Review or Kaplan

Guest willsanna

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Guest willsanna

I am trying to buy the course materials for MCAT, and which one would you recommend? Which one actually prepares you well for the actual MCAT, without being too easy or too hard?




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Strictly regarding the course materials?

Cause I borrowed *coughstolecough* TPR material from someone who took the course last year and the stuff was really good, especially for physical sciences - nice review of exactly what you had to know. The bio review imho goes too far in detail though.


No clue about Kaplan's material

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Guest klukyboy

Both Princeton and Kaplan put out good materials. I used Kaplan and had no complaints, but I would recommend whichever is cheaper as either should suffice.

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Guest cutieyellow

I took the Princeton Review class. I must say that the material is great...however, i don't think it's necessary to diss out that much money for the class...when you can probably find the material second hand somewhere.



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Guest CareBear15

I would say definitely, definitely, the Princeton formula for writing the essay is better than the Kaplan approach. It's 3 steps compared to like 7.


Princeton worked for me!

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Guest mdhopeful23

I've read both Kaplan and PR material...I found PR to be more helpful. Try going to your local bookstore and reading a bit out of each book. You'll get an idea pretty quickly which style you prefer.


As well, and this is only my opinion, i found the kaplan preptests to be pretty tough! i would say at times even tougher than the real mcat. the PR tests seemed more appropriate. after awhile though, you tend to notice a pattern with either prep book concerning test questions. particularily in verbal, i started getting very good at predicting answers. if you take a 'real' mcat prep test, you'll notice there's little predictability. so as i said in another post, its a very good idea to get some real mcat tests to practise from.


yes, the prep courses are pretty $$. what i liked about them is that they created order out of mcat chaos. i liked having a schedule to go by...it really helped me stay on track. i didn't care for my classes as much. honestly the best thing about class (for me), is to get further clarification and ask questions. because the class was soo stuffed with info, we didn't usually have time to do so.

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Guest bananacreampie


What I like about the Kaplan course was not just the classroom time (which is what you make of it), but the tons of resources that they provide you with. They have tons of tests on paper that you can do, as well as access to a huge on-line database. I did almost all of their material and I think that continuous practice is what made the difference. As well, the full day MCAT's they make you do are great, because it somewhat trains you to sit and think for 9 hours (without the added stress of it being the real test). And..yes, Kaplan tests may seem harder than the real MCAT, but I believe that is a benefit as well, because is makes you work a little bit harder, really shows you where your weaknesses are and when they real test comes, it didn't seem so bad. Overall, I felt well-prepared and even though I am sure I could have managed the actual "Science" material just fine on my own, I really like have all those resources available. (One other plus, is practicing the writing sample, and getting it marked)


just my opinion, ciao, bcp :)

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Guest klukyboy

I agree with bcp about the difficulty of the Kaplan tests. I did tons of them while practicing, then switched the AAMC materials as I got closer to the exam. I found them easy by comparison, and in retrospect, they were much more representative of the real MCAT. However, because I found them so easy, my confidence really improved. I also jumped 3-4 points on the AAMC exams compared to the Kaplan, which also boosted my confidence.

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I took the princeton review mcat prep course in 2001..would it be beneficial to retake the course again as I will be rewriting the mcat in august? I am not sure to what extent the structure of the mcat has changed since 2001



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