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Caribbean or Re-apply?

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Okay so here is my story -


I graduated last year. I had an interview last year at UofT however it didn't work out after. So I decided to wait again and re-apply. This year I got an interview from Queen's and a couple of schools from the states (I applied to all out of province schools, in USA, and in Ontario). However at this point, I stand on a waitlist at Wayne State (US), Saint Louis University School of Medicine (US) and at Queen's.


Now at this point, I really don't know if I will get accepted off any of these waitlists. If not, should I be considering carribbean at this stage? (I mean I have been out of school for 1 year, I didn't start a masters program and I feel like this year has completely gone to waste as I have only worked for about 6 months of it working as a clinical research assistant and teaching for an MCAT prep company).


My stats are as follows: 34Q MCAT (PS 12, VR 10, BS 12, WSQ) and 3.85 cGPA (top two years 3.96, only my last semester of 4th year was bad because I thought I would get in at that point) ECs: NSERC, good volunteering, 4th year thesis, etc. fairly average



So at this point - should I just go to Carribbean? or are there any other options for me?

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I'd apply again if I were you. Your stats are good and you're getting interviews. I know several people in my class who were shot down 2 or 3 times, only to eventually get in. I'm not sure if you want to go down the Caribbean route yet - from what I understand, its not as easy to get a residency spot here after being in the Caribbean (you'll want to double check this statement).


Its actually not too late for grad school. There are still likely many supervisors out there who are looking for keen students to fill spots in their labs. But you have to know that grad school is for you. You may want to consider getting a job as a lab technician or a research assistant to test the waters for grad school before committing yourself to a graduate degree. Then you can reapply to med school next year if the waitlists don't work out for you this year.


I really think that with your stats, you'll eventually get in somewhere in Canada. You may just have to be patient.

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i agree if you have a good shot at a canadian or U.S medical school go for it, take the time to get in there, it will work out much better for you! if need be apply again this year but before you do take the time to work on strengthing your application! caribbean should be your last option mate!

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u have killer stats...


have u thought maybe its ur interview skills? or lack there of.....lol...


aside from time..u dont have a need to go int...


i dont recommend masters for several reasons, incl the joy of having nothing work for 2 years straight

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I was almost in the exact same situation as you last year. I interviewed at UofT & Ottawa and didn't get into either and it was after graduating so I felt the year was a waste since I only worked part-time. I reapplied this year and got into Ottawa, and I just continued working. However, that wasn't my plan. I made the move to Alberta so I could be in-province, and figured I'd have a way better chance (just as you would). So I didn't really expect to get into an Ontario school because it's just such a numbers game and a lot of it comes down to luck. I was fortunate enough to get accepted to Ottawa this year, but I think the option of moving to Alberta is great, especially if you don't have any real commitments here.


You are so close to getting in, I know exactly how that feels. I don't think you should go to Caribbeans for several reasons, aside from the fact that I believe you can get in here. First off, residency programs are getting more IMG applicants every year, here and the States, making it more competitive just to find a spot. With your stats you can easily get into the best Caribbean school, which is probably St. Georges, but even then it's very competitive to get back into the States or Canada.


Another viable option either than moving to Alberta, are DO (Osteopathic Medicine) schools. There is tons of information on these boards, courtesy of Mashmetoo. This is from his signature: What is Osteopathic medicine? - The best kept secret in medicine!



Applying to US Osteopathic medical schools and FAQs:



I GUARANTEE you will get into a Osteopathic school, especially if you apply early (in June). They have thier own residency programs, but you can also match for an allopathic residency program. Either way you are practicing medicine and you don't have to jump through as nearly many hoops as the Caribbeans.


And in regards to improving your application, there isn't really much more you can do. You have everything one needs to get into med school. What I did, and recommend, is to do jobs and volunteering things that not only you enjoy but will help for your interviews. So for example I'm a personal trainer, and it has improved my communication skills immensely which really makes a difference at the interview. Or you can join something like toast masters.


Sorry for the long post, but I was going to make the same thread if I didn't get in this year lol.. And I went through this last year, so I kind of understand how you must be feeling.

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Thanks for the encouraging words everyone!


The thing is, I have waited a year and well, I am willing to wait more because I know I can pull it off here based on my stats but my only worry is how much or what I can do in this year that will show that I have significantly improved my application.


Like last year, I worked part-time at a clinical research firm and now in the summer I am working as a princeton review Biology Teacher. I plan on doing international volunteering this summer. but those are just 3 miniature things that I would have done in 1 full year since I have been out of schoool. I just dont want to feel like I am giving myself false hope by telling myself that I can get in here.


Do you have any suggestions for what I should be doing this year? Should I do a special Master's program in US which is 1 year? Should I just apply for better jobs and try to work off another year?


Please give me any advice/information that you think would help. Thanks once again, your words have been very motivating

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Your application is obviously competitive enough to get in. You don't need to improve it really; you just need some luck from the admissions process.


Since you can't change the luck factor, do whatever will make you happy. Because if you get unlucky in the next cycle, you will hate your life having just spent a year doing scutwork in the hope of improving your application.

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