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MCAT in Vancouver

Guest aurora

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For those who wrote, or will be writing, their MCAT in Vancouver, where did you write it? My two choices are between BCIT and UBC. I attend UBC so I figure I will be more familiar with the area, and possibly more comfortable. However, BCIT is MUCH closer to my house (10 min vs 50 min drive). If I were to write at BCIT, I wouldn't have to wake up as soon. What did people think of the two writing places?


Also, I think I read somewhere that AAMC scale the exam based on the people at the same writing location? Is this true, because it doesn't sound write.

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I think the scale is based on everyone with the same form as you, but I'm not sure. They include a stats sheet with your score report that shows what percentile your scaled score is which includes everyone that writes the MCAT (both April and August) that year. I don't think the AAMC has officially said how the scale is made (or at least I didn't come across it when I was reading about the MCAT), but I don't think there's any way they would scale it by location - it just doesn't make any sense.


Good luck! :)


Oh, and although I didn't write the MCAT in Vancouver, I would suggest you write it at the BCIT location if it's closer to your home... just as long as you hear that it's not a bad place to take the test (like it's comfortable, not too crowded, etc).

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It's the form you have that matters, not your location. The people writing at the same place at you will represent just a couple hundred out of the thousands you'll be scaled against. Plus, they said that you're also scaled against people who have written the MCAT in previous administrations, which might mean some passages/questions are repeated...

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