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Anyone smoke/dip or frequently use any other tobacco products? Just curious. I know alot of pre meds who regularly drink in spite of their better knowledge of alcohol's detrimental effects on the human body but have yet to meet many pre meds who enjoy the use of tobacco.

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i smoke a pack a month (djarium dark clove indonesian, mmmm yeah baby), living to 100 is no fun is you don't have any vices ;), plus smoking related lung disease is related to pack years, so there's a huge difference in calling yourself a "smoker" or not depending on how much you smoke, i always find it paradoxical that i enjoy a smoke before an exam of medicine, it was especially funny during resp block!


Anyone smoke/dip or frequently use any other tobacco products? Just curious. I know alot of pre meds who regularly drink in spite of their better knowledge of alcohol's detrimental effects on the human body but have yet to meet many pre meds who enjoy the use of tobacco.
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i smoke a pack a month (djarium dark clove indonesian, mmmm yeah baby), living to 100 is no fun is you don't have any vices ;), plus smoking related lung disease is related to pack years, so there's a huge difference in calling yourself a "smoker" or not depending on how much you smoke, i always find it paradoxical that i enjoy a smoke before an exam of medicine, it was especially funny during resp block!


doesnt smoking a pack a month take alot of self control? i guess the worst thing about tobacco for me is that as you build up tolerance to the nicotine, you tend to need stronger and more frequent doses.

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Anyone smoke/dip or frequently use any other tobacco products? Just curious. I know alot of pre meds who regularly drink in spite of their better knowledge of alcohol's detrimental effects on the human body but have yet to meet many pre meds who enjoy the use of tobacco.


Let's correct that to binge drink. There is quite a few benefits of moderate alcohol use (2 or less a day for men, 1 a day or less for women).


Booze, tobacco and other drugs are pretty much a case of moderation and acceptable risk. Someone who smokes a cigar once a month MAY (I have no evidence to back that up) have a slightly increased chance of developing oral cancer, but if they really like cigars, than the risk may be acceptable.


It's a case of knowing the risk/benefit ratio and making an informed decision. After spending time in medicine, you realize life really is about random luck anyway. You can do everything right and still be the 39 year old guy who develops a rare type of colon cancer that kills you.

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doesnt smoking a pack a month take alot of self control? i guess the worst thing about tobacco for me is that as you build up tolerance to the nicotine, you tend to need stronger and more frequent doses.


Probably not that much. If he is only smoking a couple cigarettes on the weekend at a party, you wouldn't get a large and consistent enough dosage to build up a tolerance.

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