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Sept 10 MCAT Unite


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  • 2 weeks later...
How is the studying going, guys? You still planning to write, Hockey_whiz?


After going back and forth on the issue, I decided to flip a coin.




(Look at the link)


I will be doing lots of volunteering instead.



Best of luck to you and everyone else who is writing on this day!

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How is the studying going, everyone?? I just signed up for this date as well. Anyone else writing in Ottawa??

I'm writing in Ottawa too. Have you heard anything good/bad about the venue? I've heard some of the GTA ones are sub-par, but I haven't heard anything about Ottawa.

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I can relate to you guys, I also wrote on the absolute last day just this past year :P


For those asking about Ottawa, I don't know which facility you are asking about (only 2 in the city) but I wrote at prometric on Canotek road and loved it. Only 5 stations at that testing center so its not intimidating, nice staff and nice ergonomic chairs and fully adjustable monitors.


Best of luck!

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I am also writing on the 10th. Just wondering how far along everyone else is in their studying? Is everyone done their content review already? (I am still trying to finish all the readings/content review and starting to stress out....feels like I am going too slow:( ).

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I'm still doing content review - I'm following the examkrackers study schedule so I won't finish content until a week before but I'm also doing verbal practice, Mini MCATs, AaMC practice MCATs, and writing sample practice in between.


But I also feel like I'm going too slowly, if that makes you feel better!!

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