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Time for applying

Guest J

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Hi! Just wondering, when's the best time to apply for med school and take ur MCAT? would it be a year b4 graduating undergrad? thanx!!!

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Guest medicator007

Hi J,


Since you posted this in the McGill forum, I'll answer with regards to McGill.... clearly the answers can be different with other schools due to different admissions policies.


As for applying: Unless you are just finishing CEGEP and considering taking the premed route, the earliest that you can apply for admission into McGill medicine is in your final year of undergrad since having a Bachelor's degree is a pre-requisite for admission. You are of course permitted to apply any time thereafter. As for when the application is due, that depends on if you are a quebec resident or not. Nov. for OOP and Jan. for in province in the final year of your degree.


MCAT wise: There are really two common options for this and it is personal preferance. The MCAT is offered every April and August, but most McGill-ians write in August since the April session falls smack in the middle of finals or pretty darn close. The two times are thus the summer before applying, or the one before. The pro to the latter is that you can re-write the summer after if u don't do so hot without losing a year of application... for some this is a major factor and others not so much. I know people who have taken both routes and have turned out just fine. I personally wrote it the summer before applying as I found it easier to study with the knowledge that this was my "one shot" b4 applying.. but thats just me.


Hope this helps,


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thank you SO much medicator!!! i'm going into second year now but i'm also planning to fast track and graduate in the next 2 years, so the optimal time to apply to mcgill would then be the november of 2005? and aug. 2005 for MCAT? it's just that i heard all mcat scores are released as of this year as a new policy so I would still like to allow a "second chance" to write the test... do u think this would work out? thanx a bunch!!!

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Guest medicator007

Here's the deal J....


When u write the MCAT really is a personal decision, keep in mind the pros and cons i mentioned above and make that decision on your own.


However, with regards to releasing all scores ever written by an examinee. My understanding is that McGill will only consider your BEST MCAT sitting, even though they do receive all of them so this new policy should not have an effect on ur test timing, in my humble opinion.



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