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thank you!


to awnser my own question probably the liberals... populist parties give you the most freedom to influence things depending on the climate...


aaronj's question i'll leave for the next poster ;)


Health care oversight independent of political affiliation. True reform will never happen when tied to politics.

Face down, or bum up? Lol

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nah, i loved most people in my program, i always got the highest marks in my psych classes too, plus wasnt too competitive atmosphere, we all shared notes and hung out and stuff... venturing into the bio sci realm... yeah... definitely some people that needed a valium or something, i wasnt really annoyed at that point though, since i got into sciences later on in my degree, and like, yeah, lol... ur so immature this is actually a good show...


are u a goofball or super serious... feel free to suggest any stereotypical group that comes to mind.


maybe when i was younger, but since then i got hobbies. I do feel lonely at times though


do you find some people in your program to be so annoying (kissing teacher's ass , thinking they are so much better than you since they think they are so much smarter than everyone else)?

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nah, i loved most people in my program, i always got the highest marks in my psych classes too, plus wasnt too competitive atmosphere, we all shared notes and hung out and stuff... venturing into the bio sci realm... yeah... definitely some people that needed a valium or something, i wasnt really annoyed at that point though, since i got into sciences later on in my degree, and like, yeah, lol... ur so immature this is actually a good show...


are u a goofball or super serious... feel free to suggest any stereotypical group that comes to mind.


Craziest mix between the two. People who don't know me that well think I'm serious beyond serious, but people who know me know that I'm quite the opposite.


Do you read the newspaper?

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I am not familiar with deftones.


why do some people get upset when they see others work hard to achieve their goal and don't think it is fair that they can't get it without the work. It honestly makes me feel like not talking to new people.


Jealousy and resentment unfortunately is the human condition for many who are dissatisfied with their own lives, unwilling or unable to uplift themselves.


What's for breakfast?

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finish ALL of my assignments so that I can focus on exams


Which do you prefer working on at home a desktop or laptop?


Depends what I'm doing. If it's school related it's all on my laptop so I use that. If neither of them are on my laptop loads ten times faster so I'd use it as well. But if I'm not working and I like to play some video games it has to be desktop, no question.


What's your opinion on the $7 coffee from starbucks?

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Depends what I'm doing. If it's school related it's all on my laptop so I use that. If neither of them are on my laptop loads ten times faster so I'd use it as well. But if I'm not working and I like to play some video games it has to be desktop, no question.


What's your opinion on the $7 coffee from starbucks?


There's $7 coffee at Starbucks?


Who is your favourite dictator (past or present)?

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yeah, those were good... had to think... but i loved those


why the rush?


Serious answer of why other people (but not me) are in a rush: They want to be able to be the cool grandparents that take their grandkids bowling, not the ones who are bedridden as their grandkids speak their first words. I 100% understand the rush, actually.


If you could change your name to any *real* name, what would it be?

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Serious answer of why other people (but not me) are in a rush: They want to be able to be the cool grandparents that take their grandkids bowling, not the ones who are bedridden as their grandkids speak their first words. I 100% understand the rush, actually.


If you could change your name to any *real* name, what would it be?

When I was growing up, I always wished I was named Isabella. It's such a beautiful name.


If you could go back to any year/decade/century in the past, what would it be and why?

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When I was growing up, I always wished I was named Isabella. It's such a beautiful name.


If you could go back to any year/decade/century in the past, what would it be and why?


Well, I do need the help of modern medicine to go through life normally, but if I didn't, I would go back to 500BC to meet Plato and Aristotle, but especially the latter.


What about you?

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Eat my feelings, listen to music, and play with magnets. Oh, and spend time with family and friends - but that is secondary to magnets.


What were you like as a child?


Quiet as hell, obsessed with physics. and lol at eat my feelings, I'm gonna use that one


If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

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