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Nope. I did smile, though.




Did you laugh out loud at the 'The heroine compares the moment to “undulating space where the undulating skies make your non-body undulate.”' part?


I lost too many brain cells int he first paragraph to have that ability


Do you think that lady gets freaky with her husband? Such intense words

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yes, she seems like quite a powerful women not the kind to be a push over.



do you call going to bed at 11pm an early night?


Haha yeah, I don't think I've ever gone to bed that early, maybe if I was really sick or jet lagged or something


Do you feel uncomfortable sharing personal details of your life with strangers?

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Do you think it's okay to use terms like "queerosexual" in an online forum that likely has LGBT members?


Hm I live life assuming everybody watches family guy and understands satire. Edit: I'm actually surprised that you think someone might be offended at the use of that word (joke being that hick second ammendment defenders are more likely than not uneducated idiots from the south), rather than the context.


Are you offended by family guy?

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Post another question.


How do you like your eggs?


That wasn't an answer to the question, it was a horse suckling on a baby's head. I occasionally like to annotate or comment a question, without actually answering it. It's a freedom I am allowed in this country. When you see this happen, please feel free to answer the original question yourself.


I like em' scrambled.


Backstreet Boys or N'sync?

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That wasn't an answer to the question, it was a horse suckling on a baby's head. I occasionally like to annotate or comment a question, without actually answering it. It's a freedom I am allowed in this country. When you see this happen, please feel free to answer the original question yourself.


I like em' scrambled.


Backstreet Boys or N'sync?


backstreet boys.


2 guys with a stereotypical van abducted someone from york campus yesterday, do you think it was a joke or something?

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Gah what kind? If I get a choice of the kind then cancer


Extra giant nipple or extra belly button?


On whom? Myself? I'd like an extra belly button so that I could hide things... provided that it would be as crazily deep as my already existing belly button, lol.


What's the most rebellious thing you've ever done (that you can remember off the top of your head without racking your brain for days)?

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On whom? Myself? I'd like an extra belly button so that I could hide things... provided that it would be as crazily deep as my already existing belly button, lol.


What's the most rebellious thing you've ever done (that you can remember off the top of your head without racking your brain for days)?


Uh I don't think I've ever rebelled against my parents,they're too chills. I've given teachers and principles a lot of **** though, those guys still make me mad... anal retentive bunch of peeps that enforce rules that make no sense.

F*** you I'll use my phone during lunch break.


Did you get into trouble a lot when you were in school?

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Not really, never saw a point.


Do men do "rebellious" things? I thought that was just for women.


Both, probably in very different ways though.


What would you do if the small child of somebody you knew asked you were babies come from?

ps. the york abduction thing never happened appearantly :D

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Do men do "rebellious" things? I thought that was just for women.


James Dean! The archetypal rebel.


Both, probably in very different ways though.


What would you do if the small child of somebody you knew asked you were babies come from?

ps. the york abduction thing never happened appearantly :D


Tell them the truth... but from a mechanical perspective, haha. I actually think the parent could be thankful, because I'd be relieving them of that responsibility :P.


Do you ever intentionally put yourself into danger, just for the thrill of it all?

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Skydiving. Bunjee. Snowboarding. Driving way to fast for my own good. Yes I do *sigh*


When are you done school for the semester?




If your bestest friend in the whole wide world needed a kidney transplant and you were the only person that was compatible, would you give them your kidney?

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If your bestest friend in the whole wide world needed a kidney transplant and you were the only person that was compatible, would you give them your kidney?


Yup. My best friend has already saved my life once. I'd be my honor to repay the debt.


Last non-school book that you read?

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