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In a movie theatre? Hmm, I think it was the latest Spiderman movie (no, I don't go to movies much. :P)


On DVD? The Muppets. :D Love the Muppets! :D


Last website you visited (besides this one)?


facebook :(

I spend 99% of my online time on 3 websites anyways


Do you also feel really awkward when a large group of people sing you happy birthday and you don't know where to look?

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no, i look in the center of the group or the girl i find most attractive.


do you eat dinner alone most of the time?


No, my bffl the newspaper keeps me company (and informed!). /In all seriousness: some of the time... depends if my roommate happens to be eating at the same time or not.


What did you eat for your meals today? (Such a creative question, I know, I know. Hold the applause.)

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No, my bffl the newspaper keeps me company (and informed!). /In all seriousness: some of the time... depends if my roommate happens to be eating at the same time or not.


What did you eat for your meals today? (Such a creative question, I know, I know. Hold the applause.)


*slow, ever so sarcastic clap*

Sandwich, roast beef if I recall correctly


So if you had to be stuck in a room with nothing to arm yourself but a mannequin's arm, and you had to fight to the death who'd you rather have as your opponent: The 6' russian lady that can lift a tree trunk, or the russian lady that took on a wolf with an axe and won?

Oh and your opponent gets a leg weapon

Before someone cries "racist" here is where they came from



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*slow, ever so sarcastic clap*

Sandwich, roast beef if I recall correctly


So if you had to be stuck in a room with nothing to arm yourself but a mannequin's arm, and you had to fight to the death who'd you rather have as your opponent: The 6' russian lady that can lift a tree trunk, or the russian lady that took on a wolf with an axe and won?

Oh and your opponent gets a leg weapon

Before someone cries "racist" here is where they came from




The 6' lady with the tree trunk, so that when I'd school her and win in the fight I could take her beautiful baseball cap and where it sideways, as well.


Were there any trends that you followed that you now wish you didn't? (E.g. when all those guys dyed their hair blonde at the tips.. or Pokemon.. or pogs!)

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The 6' lady with the tree trunk, so that when I'd school her and win in the fight I could take her beautiful baseball cap and where it sideways, as well.


Were there any trends that you followed that you now wish you didn't? (E.g. when all those guys dyed their hair blonde at the tips.. or Pokemon.. or pogs!)


LOL! Who dyed their hair blonde at the tips? Was this a backstreeboys influence by any chance

anyhoo, not really, pokemon was cool man


Have you heard about the bird?

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LOL! Who dyed their hair blonde at the tips? Was this a backstreeboys influence by any chance


It very well may have been. It was the 90s. Did this only happen at my elementary school? :o


This bird? stone-cold-steve-austin-flipping-bird.jpg


Favorite toy growing up?


So hard! Polly Pockets, Pound Puppies, mini sticks with Pound Puppies, mini sticks with Pound Puppies and beanie babies.


Favourite colour crayon?

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No.... you can't not have heard about the word

uh my computer? no wait my piano. Yeah my childhood was sad hahah


Do you become a different person under extreme exam stress?


I was going to link that video yesterday when you asked about family guy.


The bond...the bond is growing...


Under extreme exam stress I get very angry...



How do you like the new youtube layout...?

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What's a YouTube?


What's your fav toy as an adult? Lol


My sybian.


The U.S. dollar has lost well over 95 percent of its value since the Federal Reserve was created, the U.S. national debt is more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was created and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has a track record of incompetence that is absolutely mind blowing. So what possible justification is there for allowing the Federal Reserve to continue to issue the currency and run the economy?


If that's too difficult,


Who do you think has the highest power level on here?

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My sybian.


The U.S. dollar has lost well over 95 percent of its value since the Federal Reserve was created, the U.S. national debt is more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was created and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has a track record of incompetence that is absolutely mind blowing. So what possible justification is there for allowing the Federal Reserve to continue to issue the currency and run the economy?


If that's too difficult,


Who do you think has the highest power level on here?

Get with the times grandma, they're portable now.

My economics is a little rusty but are ya sure it's the reserve's fault? Sounds like when you take that job you're bound to be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Anyhoo, I'm just gonna skip out on this one

Me. I am the one


go have a wank and get back to work kids ;)

You know me so well you



Do you think animals are aware of their own mortality?

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Get with the times grandma, they're portable now.

My economics is a little rusty but are ya sure it's the reserve's fault? I'm just gonna skip out

Me. I am the one



You know me so well you



Do you think animals are aware of their own mortality?


I know my dog is.


James Bond vs. Jason Bourne vs. Ethan Hunt vs. Jason Statham. Who wins?

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