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Every couple of months or so. $13


What would you do if you won $50 million from the lottery?


Sue my current employer for ****ing with me for so long. And give some money to larva so she can do the same. Pay off my parents house and give away the rest to Mercy Ships.


What would you do if you found out that you had only one more day to live?

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Every couple of months or so. $13


What would you do if you won $50 million from the lottery?


Buy all the books I've ever wanted to read (and bookcases to put them all in!)

Learn how to swim

Go surfing somewhere tropical for a month (after learning how to swim)

Buy a NICE car

Travel. Everywhere.

Give some to family/really close friends.

Buy land somewhere really nice and start building my dream home.

Put some in an account to save for old age.

Donate the rest to charity.


And yes I'd still apply for medical school. Albeit in a few years time.


EDIT: to answer mm88: hmmm... that's a hard one. If I could, I'd have my family around me, and we'd spend the day talking, going for walks, and cooking my favourite things. I'd also like to be in the mountains by a lake or waterfall. I find it peaceful.



If you had one wish, what would you wish for (med school acceptance, money, world peace/no war/no famine, and things related to the above are not valid answers for this question. Just to make it a little interesting;))?

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Buy all the books I've ever wanted to read (and bookcases to put them all in!)

Learn how to swim

Go surfing somewhere tropical for a month (after learning how to swim)

Buy a NICE car

Travel. Everywhere.

Give some to family/really close friends.

Buy land somewhere really nice and start building my dream home.

Put some in an account to save for old age.

Donate the rest to charity.


And yes I'd still apply for medical school. Albeit in a few years time.


EDIT: to answer mm88: hmmm... that's a hard one. If I could, I'd have my family around me, and we'd spend the day talking, going for walks, and cooking my favourite things. I'd also like to be in the mountains by a lake or waterfall. I find it peaceful.



If you had one wish, what would you wish for (med school acceptance, money, world peace/no war/no famine, and things related to the above are not valid answers for this question. Just to make it a little interesting;))?


To have the girl I'm into


Favorite teacher from high school?

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To have the girl I'm into


Favorite teacher from high school?


Tie between my English teacher and my French teacher. They were both so very awesome. I think my English teacher wins out though- he introduced, in spite of being a teacher in a very conservative (politically and ideologically) small town in central AB, ideas (no matter how unpopular) that most kids were never exposed to. Plus the books we read in class were awesome. Taught more "life" experience than English actually. My French teacher just had so much energy and taught in such a way that made learning French so easy and fun. Plus I'll never forget the days when other teachers would bang on her door and tell her to turn the music down.... after which she proceeded to turn it up :D. So much energy and spunk for someone in their late 50s/early 60s!


As a doctor, if you were treating the leader of a country who was committing genocide on its people, would you "accidentally" kill him, or cure him (those are your only two options)? And why? (Yes, this is from a House episode...)

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As a doctor, if you were treating the leader of a country who was committing genocide on its people, would you "accidentally" kill him, or cure him (those are your only two options)? And why? (Yes, this is from a House episode...)


Tough call. My gut reaction: cure. It's not a doctor's job to judge the patient's morality, that's up to other people and other systems. It'd be a slippery slope - if you do that, are you entitled to kill prison inmates convicted of horrible crimes, if they're sick? Are you allowed to give better/more expensive treatment to people you like more? Of course, this is very idealistic of me.


Windows open or AC?

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Tough call. My gut reaction: cure. It's not a doctor's job to judge the patient's morality, that's up to other people and other systems. It'd be a slippery slope - if you do that, are you entitled to kill prison inmates convicted of horrible crimes, if they're sick? Are you allowed to give better/more expensive treatment to people you like more? Of course, this is very idealistic of me.


Windows open or AC?


I prefer A/C but now the only option is open windows


(ps. i thought the question was referring to computer o/s....i'm starting to nerd-out!)



Favorite household chore?

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I dunno what that even means.


What do you think of physician aided suicide?

-terminally ill patients

-oath to protect life


That's a good one! Great arguments on both sides so currently undecided.

Here's the latest ruling in BC on the matter [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2011/08/17/farewell-foundation-right-to-die_n_929700.html][/url]



Greatest dilemma you've ever had to face?

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That's a good one! Great arguments on both sides so currently undecided.

Here's the latest ruling in BC on the matter [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2011/08/17/farewell-foundation-right-to-die_n_929700.html][/url]



Greatest dilemma you've ever had to face?


To be or not to be..


Do you listen to Neil Young?

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Ahh i miss Ottawa for the beaches *sigh*
Oh yeah. Petrie Island after a rainstorm with sewage spilloff is awesome. :P


To be or not to be..


Do you listen to Neil Young?

Sure, if it comes on. I don't think I've ever thought "I'd really like to hear some Neil Young right about now" though.


What question should I ask the person below me?

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Sue my current employer for ****ing with me for so long. And give some money to larva so she can do the same.


Thanks for the shout out mm88! I'd do the same for you :) Winning the lottery is actually part of my 12 month plan ;)


You can ask me if I would like to become a mod.


Should health care+dental care+pharmaceutical drugs be free (provided by the government)?


It's a great idea, but I don't think it's economically feasible.


What has been your biggest purchase in life so far? (tuition doesn't count)

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Thanks for the shout out mm88! I'd do the same for you :) Winning the lottery is actually part of my 12 month plan ;)




It's a great idea, but I don't think it's economically feasible.


What has been your biggest purchase in life so far? (tuition doesn't count)


single item? my trusty macbook pro :) but my dad helped me pay for that, so my next purchase will probably be my biggest: iphone 5 (when it comes out haha)


if you could travel anywhere in the world right this second, where would you go?

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