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People in classes...


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So, since this is the only student forum I post on I thought I'd post my question here.


It's been a long while since I've attended classes of any sort and during my time out of school it seems I've developed issues with noises and movement.


For example, people typing on their keyboards/laptops bothers me. People shaking their leg, tapping their foot, etc bother me.


It's not just that it bothers me, it's that I literally can't concentrate on anything else BUT what that noise or visual thing is.


So, what are classes like these days? A lot of laptop action? Lots of twitchy people?


I am not diagnosed or anything nor do I think there is any kind of medical condition which one could be diagnosed with but I am concerned about my level of concentration when I go back to school in the fall. A lot of the devices when I was in school really weren't available like they are today (no cell phones, no one could really afford laptops, etc).


Thoughts? :)

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I'm super anal about that stuff too. I dislike being in class and seeing the bro in front of me on his Facebook while updating his twitter status on his BlackBerry. And for this reason I always try and grab a seat close to the front of the room so my focus is only on the prof. I have super sensitive hearing and can hear a person breathing a mile away (not actually, but you get what I mean) and the sound of some people's laptop keyboards are obnoxiously loud.


(Fun/Odd fact: I taught chemistry to a grade 4 class and they all had cell phones/blackberries/laptops too. I probably wouldn't be able to focus in school again if this is how things were back when I was growing up).

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I would expect a lot of people typing on laptops or playing with smartphones unfortunately. Maybe you'll get used to it after a while? It used to bother me a bit but not anymore.


+1. There will be an awful lot of people taking notes on their laptops (or playing on them, but that's another matter...) and lots of people texting and/or playing games on their smartphones (why do these people come to class?)


There seem to be fewer of them at the front of the classroom/lecture hall, so I would try to sit in the front row if at all possible. You will still likely have people with laptops in the front row, but they are much more likely to actually be taking notes, as opposed to being on facebook, youtube, etc.

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I would say you may find there is so much of that kind of activity it no longer bothers you; it becomes the standard background. In our classes there is no one person typing. Every time the professor says something, there's a sound like rain as everyone types it down. It's impossible to be focused on one person's annoying laptop.

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My best advice is to sit as close as possible. As you get closer to the front, the density of students dwindles exponentially. Another advantage is that you don't get distracted by the multitude of screens between you and the prof that are busy looking at things other than lecture slides....


Also, you might be fortunate enough to have lectures that are recorded/podcasted, in which case you could elude the whole having to attend in the first place.


Good luck! and enjoy being back at school. Being a mature student is fun!

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Ditto on the front. I get distracted really easily too, but I go to a small school, so I am dealing with 20-30 people in my class vs 300 people, that seems to help. Lastly, give yourself time; you should reach a point where a lot of the distractions go un-noticed.

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