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What should I do now..?! At the crossroad....

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Ok here is the situation. I was originally at Uoft for engineering but being a stupid kid, I did not really study much and ended up failing the year.. i was quite depressed for couple of months.. then I pulled my **** together and upgraded my marks so i got into York u for the Honors Biology program.

I did pretty well for the first and 2nd year, but the thing is, York needs some general education credits.. in order to graduate. So i took some.. which i thought would satisfy them, but it turns out it does not, also i am missing a bunch of first year courses.. ugh


so for the 4th year now, All i have is bunch of low level courses (mostly 1st year) so i could graduate this year. I dont know how this effect the application with medicine school.


Also, For my 3rd year, i went to Sweden for exchange, which they use the ETCS system for assessment, I did ok in sweden, it was more partying and traveling and less studying, overal grade does not look promising, i was total that the grade would not be counted.


How will medicine school assess this when they look at my file? also for the first 2 years, I held a part time job to support myself in school. So i almost had no time for extra curricular or clinical/volunteering work. It looks bad i know.. what should i do??


I just go back from sweden a week ago and will start school next week. What should i do to maximize my chances?


I know that if i take the MCAT, and great a awesome score, my chances will be kinda screwed due to the things i said. So i do plan maybe to take another degree or MASTERS after I am done to improve my marks and give myself more time to volunteer n such. What should I do if the 4th year did no pan out?


I am quite anxious about this! sorry about all the questions!

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Your best shot is to do two more years of undergrad and apply to schools that look at your most recent/best two years (Queens, Western, Dalhousie, Saskatchewan 92.3 average). Write the MCAT next summer and aim for 10+ in all three categories.


Your job does count as an EC. Depending one what it is, it could help you a lot or only a bit. Nonetheless, you'll need more EC's. Start this year and do things you enjoy.

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If i start another 2 year in undergrad. does it matter which discipline I go into? also does it matter where i go? like say if i goto queens for undergrad, does it make it easier for me to get in to their medschool?


what are some good undergrad to take that will help me in future job if medschool does not pan out?


what are some EC that i should start? I have interest in alot of areas..but i am not sure how they should count as EC.


I do photography, music and parkour. some sports but just for fun with friends. I also wish to start clinical work or work at a hospital but i am not sure how to start!


thanks for looking!

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It does not matter. Having gone to Queen's for undergrad gives you no advsantage whgatsoever for their med school.


Go to the Quebec Discussion Forum and find my thread about exercise science and read it completely. It is the third from the top and refers to Cegep students in the title.


For ECs, be guided only by your own interests. Your ECs will show compassion, initiaitive, leadership skills, initiative, etc which shall be evident during your interview.


Becoming involved in clinical work may be difficult to achieve. I had such experiences with elderly chronic patients due to my internships for credit during UG and with trauma patients as an EMS medic responding to 911 calls.

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i read your thread on the quebec thread. Seems like a great way get into medschool! i have some questions tho


it seems like the GPA you receive in another province seems have to do something with the GPA you have with your home province. I am not sure i quite understand the relationship here.. does it over write your gpa?


also another thing is if i take a undergrad that is aimed towards physiology or physiotherapy afterwards, wouldnt that be a good alternative if medschool does not plan out?

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i read your thread on the quebec thread. Seems like a great way get into medschool! i have some questions tho


it seems like the GPA you receive in another province seems have to do something with the GPA you have with your home province. I am not sure i quite understand the relationship here.. does it over write your gpa?


also another thing is if i take a undergrad that is aimed towards physiology or physiotherapy afterwards, wouldnt that be a good alternative if medschool does not plan out?


Yes, it leads to a career in healthcare CEP (clinical exercise physiologist) or doing a QY (qualifying year) to an applied Masters in OT or PT with licencing following (this program exists at McGill).


Home province is irrelevant to GPA, it is out of 4.3 and there is an OMSAS conversion.


Taking many first year courses in 4th year is a no-no. Can you take the year/semester off and say, switch to this exercise science degree @ Concordia, transferring credits and just not graduating yet? I don't know what I am talking about and just asking this question off the top of my head.

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